4.1.3 Developmental timeline- Lois Grace Kanioka- AP Psychology

  • Strange world

    On november 14 2000, I joined my family which currently consists of my brother and sister and mama and papa. I am at the first stage of Erickson's stage of emotional development: Trust vs. mistrust. As a new born, I am learning to trust the world around me. With my parents satisfying my every need, I am starting to see the world as a safe place and my parents as dependable people, all is good with the world.
  • Baby's first walk

    At only 10 months I am walking around. I am at the sensorimotor stage of Piaget's stages of cognitive development. I can be found interacting and manipulating things around me to create a scheme that explains my world.
  • Little miss fashionista

    At the age of 2, I would throw fits when my mother would choose my outfits without my consent! I had reached the second stage of Erickson's emotional development: Autonomy vs. shame and doubt. I was becoming more independent and very testy of my limits. My parents would always encourage me to pick out what I wanted to wear (which was not always according to the weather). My parents giving me that chance to explore my options gave me this sense of independence that I have to this day.
  • School, sweet school

    At just the age of 2 and a half years old, I have started preschool earlier than most of my peers. I have now reached stage 3 of Erickson's stage of social development: initiative vs. guilt. my ability to use language has grown and I am able to take part in many physical activities.

    At the age of 3, my curiosity takes the best of me and I end up breaking my mom's favorite sugar jar. Of course I deny that I was the one who committed the crime which earns me my first ever time out. I am now at the first stage of Kholberg's level of moral development: preconventional morality. I have yet to understand the conventions of rules of society but, I can interpret if my behaviors are good or bad depending on if I get a reward or a punishment when I do something.
  • Science fair winner

    At 6 years old, I enter my first ever science fair volcano creation contest. This will later open doors to my love of science. I am now at the Industry vs. inferiority stage of Erickson's stages of emotional development. Although I have always been curious, we see my curiosity grow and my parents help me find things that help my wondering mind. They make sure I finish tasks or at least try and when I can't, they still praise me to help develop my self esteem.
  • The cool kids club

    I was exposed to many sports from an early age but it didn't seem to matter to me until I was 9 years old. We had to try out for a limited position on our national team youth development program. The players got to even be match mascots at some of the games! I had entered the Industry vs. Inferiority stage of Erickson's emotional development. Being on the team made me cool around the other kids and I was recognized and praised. This helped me develop a sense of industry.
  • Doing the right thing when noone is watching

    My parents had brought me up to always be just and truthful. So when I was 14 years old, one of my classmates stole a souvenir when we went on a class trip. I told the teacher not to get my classmate in trouble but because it was the right thing to do. I had reached Kohlberg's Universal-Ethical-Principal Orientation stage. I had reported the girl not because I wanted her to be punished but because it was the right thing to do.
  • Whole lot of green

    At 15 years old, I was going through an Identity crisis, trying to figure out what my purpose in life was. After putting a lot of thought into it, I decided that saving the planet was what I was meant to do so I became vegetarian. I had reached the Identity vs. Role Confusion stage of Erickson's emotional development. I was going trough a period of trials and errors in finding what I was meant to do with my life. Although I was only vegetarian for 2 years, It helped me discover who I was.
  • Goodbye High School

    Tests , sleepless nights, and a coffee addiction later, I will be graduating High school in May! This very exciting event in my life will place me at the last stage of Piaget's intellectual development: The formal operational stage. At this time in my life, we can see that my thinking has become more advanced. I am able to use problem solving skills and I can reason about rules and I have also developed a greater sense of independence and identity. I am ready to tackle more challenging tasks!