
3D Printer

  • Period: to

    The History of the 3D PRINTER

  • The First Patent

    The First Patent
    The first Patent for the 3D printer is filed by Hideo Kodama. The Patent stated the first description of the Three-Dimensional Printer. "A photopolymer rapid prototyping system that uses UV light to harden the material. The Patent would never be funded but would be the blueprint to what would be the 3-D Printer. (“Timeline of the 3D Printing History - ASME”)
  • The first SLA machine and first Licenced Patent

    The first SLA machine and first Licenced Patent
    Chuck Hull creates the first SLA Machine (Stereolithography) , the prototype for the 3-D printer. He then files a patent for the 3-D printer which he then co-founds 3D systems corporation (The First and biggest 3D Printer company in the world)
    (“SLA-1 in the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum | 3D Systems”)
  • The First 3D printer is Sold

    The First 3D printer is Sold
    3D Systems sells the very first prototype of the 3-D printer the SLA-1 introducing the 3d printer into the higher class
    (“The Definitive Guide to 3D Printing: Past, Present, Future”)
  • Fdm is introduced

    Fdm is introduced
    Scott Crump files for a patent for Fused-Deposition Modeling. FDM allows for objects that are printed to have more layers.
    (“Timeline of the 3D Printing History - ASME”)
  • 3D Printed Metal

    3D Printed Metal
    AeroMat introduces the printing of metal into 3D-Printing using LAM (laser additive manufacturing) This allows for things for structure beams and other structures or builds involving metal to be mass produced.
    (“Timeline of the 3D Printing History - ASME”)
  • 3-D printing in the Medical field

    3-D printing in the Medical field
    Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine prints the first-ever grown organ. This ends up being possible due to the resin being thickened .This ends up sparking some ideas from the 3-D printing and medical field with more discoveries and inventions to come. The organ is the first to be used for transplant surgery and is a urinary bladder.
    (“Timeline of the 3D Printing History - ASME”)
  • More 3D-Printers

    More 3D-Printers
    Dr Adrian Boyer invents the Rep-Rap open source concept which creates a self-replicating 3d-printing process. This ended up opening the doors for the creation of many new 3D-Printers
    (“Timeline of the 3D Printing History - ASME”)
  • 3D printing in the medical field expanded

    3D printing in the medical field expanded
    Thanks to the RepRap project eventually the first 3d Printed limb was grown. It was a leg and allowed amputees another chance. The year after the patent for it was filed and it became a reality
    (“History of 3D Printing | Makerspace”)
  • 3D Printing to the masses.

    3D Printing to the masses.
    Open-source hardware becomes available to the general public. Which allows people to create whatever they want now INEXPSENSELY. The technology became more available.
    (“History of 3D Printing | Makerspace”)
  • MultiMaterials

    Multi Materials was introduced into 3d printing which combines the colors and materials and makes the parts much stronger and it's a much faster process
    (“True Multimaterial 3D Printing”)
  • 3d Printing and Covid

    3d Printing and Covid
    During the COVID-19 times early to late 3d printing was used to create masks to deter mask shortages, make testing kits and ventilators, and face shields.
    (Niranjan et al.)
  • 3D printing in war

    3D printing in war
    More than almost 2000 schools were destroyed or heavily damaged by the Russians in the invasion of Ukraine, A non-profit technology start-up team called TEAM4UA is working with cities and the local authorities to 3d Print a school in the city for the students (The image below is the final result)
    (AFP and RFE/RL)