louis XIV calls the estate general
As 1788 ended france was on the verge of bankruptcy. louis XIV finally summonds the estate general to meet at versallies the following year to discuss fair taxes. -
divided french society
France still hung on to a an outdated social system that was created in the middle ages. everyone was divided into one of 3 social classes being clergy, nobilty, and the vast majority of the population -
revolt/ national assempley acts
political chrises lead to revolts. starving peasents wondered the country side or went to towns where they went through the stages of unemployment. when grain prices soured even people with jobs had to spend 80 percent of their money on bread.this leads to people revolting and protesting sometimes violently to lower prices. -
parisians storm the battle
paris seized the spot light from the national assembly meeting in versailles. rumors about the royal troops going to occupy the capital. over 800 persians gathered outside the bastille. the crowd demanded weapons and gun powder belived to be stored there -
cival war
eauropean rulers increased border patrols to stop the spreading of the french plague. france attacked the revolutiaries. this caused all out warfare and one ov the biggest wars of the time -
threats from abroad
radicals helped the upper hand in the legeslative branch. in april 1792 the war of words ended up in the battle field .the legeslative branch was the first to decloare war onb austria. it lasted till 1815 -
monarchy is abolished
the monarches were taken down by the french soliders. this took all the monarchs power and the monarchs werre a thing of the past. -
robespierre and the reign of terror
robespierre belived that the more ppl de headed the better things would be in the economy and everywhere. when thet dident work he said more ppl have to be they thought that the key of happinies -
the third stage of the revoultion