Photo 72

Life of Elleanna

By asaylor
  • I was born

    I was born
    Steam boat, Colorado
    i go there every summer and i love it because i get to camp and go into town and regonize things because i was born there.
  • First day of pre school

    First day of pre school
    i love my pre school because it was fun. we always did activities and every time i pass it i can remeber all the events.
  • Court and news

    I had to go to court to testify against my mom and other people. i also had to be on the news it was scary but kind of fun.
  • Family trip

    I went to the grand canyon, metour crater, petrified forest, painted desert, disney land, long beach, i visited my great Aunt bernice, the hoover dam, and Las Vegas. i went to celebrate that the court and news was all over.
  • My very first house

    ive lived in apts. and then i moved into a house that my dad now owns and remodels.
  • band

    I started to play the french horn and it is really hard to play the french horn.
  • Spelling bee

    This was a fun day i cried beause i won second place when i was so close. I would have went to state finals if i spelled speghetti correctly. But now im in seventh grade and i cant fix it.
  • Graduation of sixth grade

    Graduation of sixth grade
    This day was awesome because i got to show the chance that im movng on
  • Middle school

    Middle school
    middle school is scary but after a while you get used to it.
  • Band

    I started in begining band again because i wasnt good enough. But now im getting better. With the pitches, and the notes.