East Asia Timeline

  • 213

    The Book Burning Policy

    Beginning in 213 BCE, all classic works of the Hundred Schools of ThoughtHundred Schools of ThoughtThe Hundred Schools of Thought were philosophers and schools that flourished from 770 to 221 B.C.E., an era of great cultural and intellectual expansion in China...
    — except those from Li Ssu's own school of philosophy known as legalismLegalism (Chinese philosophy)In Chinese history,
  • 221

    The Burial of the terra cotta army

    it was built 221B.C to 226B.C. the army was buried in front of Emperor Qinshihuang's tomb, to protect him from enemies in the afterlife.
  • 221

    Shi Haungdi- The first chinese emperor

    he formed china in 221 b.c. he declared himself as the first emperor of china. he connectd and extendedthe fortification walls along the north of china that originated about 700bc. this formed the great wall of china. he standarized chinese writing, law, currency, weights, measures. he expnded the chnese empire, built a capital in xion, system of roads. he was aslo a crule leadr. he killd and banished those who opposed him or his ideas. he burned al the books that remained from previous reigns.
  • 260

    the use of the crossbow

    A crossbow is a bow mounted on a tiller or stock with a mechanism that holds down drawn bowstring. The bow which on a crossbow is called a prod or a lath, on early crossbows was a single piece of wood, usually ash or yew. As a weapon there is evidence to suggest that the crossbow was in use in ancient China between the 5th and 6th century, though it was not the hand weapon known today.
    A closer comparison would be to describe it as a giant catapult.
  • 551

    The Birth of Confucious

    Confucious who was a great chinese sage, was born on june 19th, 551 B.C. He was born at Shang- ping, which is located in the country Lu. His ownname was Kong, but his disciples called him Kong-fu-tse or Kong the master.
  • Jan 21, 722

    the spring and autum nperiod

    The Spring and Autumn period is named after a book called the Spring and Autumn Annals, a chronicle of the state of Lu between 722 BC and 481 BC, which tradition associates with Confucius . It was a period of turbulence and changes in the economy, politics, and military affairs. In Chinese history, it was a period which roughly corresponds to the first half of the Eastern Zhou dynasty (from the second half of the 8th century BC to the first half of the 5th century BC).
  • Jan 20, 1122

    The Shijing Book of Songs.

    These are the earliest collection of chinese poems, which includes 305 poems of the Zhou dynasty. the confucians of the hn dynasty gave it the name shijing. it was called the maoshi because Mao Heng of the han dynasty passed them down tothe present time.according to songs theya re divided into 3 parts. 1.Feng(ballads)2.Song(sacrificial songs)3.Ya( festal odes). Feng conatains 160 poems, song conatains 105 poems, and ya conatains 40 poems.
  • Jan 20, 1200

    Death Of Lady Hao

    Death Of Lady Hao
    Fu Hao. she died in 1200B.C.E> she was a high status woman from one of the Shang ruler Wu Ding. She was a sucessful politican in the Shang royal court, especially in the military arena. She gained a high status. She was called to perform religious ceremonies usually only performed by the King. she was a high preistess of the national religion in western religious terms. she physically led armies in multiple battles.she had 2 general who reported to her as their superior.
  • The Battle of Banquan

    in the late ruling of Shennong, tribes were moving from one place to another due to the increase of population over time. in this process, tibal skirmishes took place over land and property. the Yan's emperor tribe counting on his huge population, invaded other tribes. At the request of all tribes under invasion, the yellow emperor launched a battle with the yan emperorand his tribe won the battle and he gained support from all the other tribes.
  • date of the oldest silk found in china

    Approximate date of the oldest discovered silk in China, found by archaeologists in what is now Henan province in what was the late Yangshao period.