Timeline of Instructional Media Tools

  • First School Museum

    First School Museum
    The first school museum was opened in St. Louis in 1905. Soon after, school museums were opened in Reading, PA, and Cleveland, OH
  • Period: to

    Instructional Media

  • First Catalog of Instructional Films

    First Catalog of Instructional Films
    The motion picture projector was one of the first media devices used in schools
  • Thomas Edison Promotes the Motion Picture

    Thomas Edison Promotes the Motion Picture
    Thomas Edison said "Books will soon be obsolete in the schools .... It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed in the next ten years".
  • Growth of Visual Instruction (1914-1923)

    The visual instruction movement grew. Five national professional organizations for visual instruction were established.
  • Audiovisual Instruction Movement (1923-1940)

    Audiovisual Instruction Movement (1923-1940)
    Includes the use of Instructional Radio.
  • U.S. Army Uses Instructional Media (1943-1945)

    U.S. Army Uses Instructional Media (1943-1945)
    The U.S. Army produced more than 400 training films and 600 filmstrips, using overhead projectors and slide projectors.
  • Instructional Television (1950's)

    Instructional Television (1950's)
    242 channels were created for education.
  • Computers Introduced (1950's & 1960's)

    Computers Introduced (1950's & 1960's)
    The computer was used by IBM to create Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) in public schools.
  • Audiovisual Instruction Replaced

    The terms educational technology and instructional technology began to replace audiovisual instruction
  • Computers as Instructional Tools (1980's)

    Computers as Instructional Tools (1980's)
    By January 1983, computers were being used for instructional purposes in more than 40% of all elementary schools and more than 75% of all secondary schools in the United States
  • Lmited Computer Use (1990's)

    Use of computers in schools for instructional purposes was limited.
  • Increasing Number of Computers

    Increasing Number of Computers
    One computer per six students, 90% of schools have internet access.
  • Internet Use Increases (2000-present)

    Internet Use Increases (2000-present)
    Internet use increases for training purposes and educational instruction.