Time zones are created
A timezone tells you the different times in each state ours is eastern pacific. -
Timezones are created
A timezone tells you the different times in each state ours is eastern pacific. -
Homestead Act
Act saying someone is intitled to land up to 160 acres. But they had to file an application, improve the land, and file for deed of title. -
End of the Civil War
Started 1861 also known as the war between the states. -
Boss Tweed jailed
Boss Tweed was convicted for stealing between $40 million and $200 million from NYC tax payers. -
Transcontinental Railroad
A railroad that crosses a continent from coast to coast. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
A battle between the sioux indians and the whites battle led by gen. george custer. -
Invention of the Telephone
End of reconstruction
Hayes becomes president so he removes remaining troops from the south which ended reconstruction. -
Chinese exclusion act
Act saying chinese immigrants could not come into our country with out paying a fee. -
Pendleton act is passed
act that said government employees be selected through competitive exams. -
Invention of the telegraph
Dawes act
Act regarding the distribution of land to Native Americans in Oklahoma. -
Sherman Anti Trust Act
Act that says the U.S. Federal government has to investigate and pursue trusts. -
Battle of Wounded knee
U.S. troops surrounded cheif big foot and his followers on the banks of wounded knee. -
ellis island opens
You had to be processed in ellis island if you had any deseases or health problems you would be held in ellis island hospitals. -
Model T