Action Research Timeline

  • Period: to

    Action Research

    This timeline will show the steps involved in my Action Research Project for Full Sail Univarsity Online.
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    Continue Examining Landscape or Problem

    Create Action Research Website
    Select Critical Friends: create bio and image for each.
    Blog on AR and MLT: What do you think you will
    get out of the project? What do you think this
    project will look like? How do you think it will
    make a difference? How are your critical
    friends helping this
  • Period: to

    Prepare AR Website

  • Ask permission from FHS administration to proceed with Action Research Project

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    Setup and Run Cycle 1

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    Examine Research Direction with Critical Friends

    Setup timeline for research. Journal Topic: What topic or areas are shaping your literature review? Did you find anything different than you expected in the lit review? How are your critical friends helping this process?
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    Cycle One Ends: Examine findings and revise questions

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    Run Cycle Two

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    Cycle Two Ends:

    Examine findings and revise questions
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    Compile Data and compare findings

  • Period: to

    Create Presentation