
Medieval Europe

  • 400

    Franks Emerged the Strongest Germanic Group

    Franks Emerged the Strongest Germanic Group
    The Franks, who settles in what is now called France and the Western part of Germany, emerged as the strongest Germanic group. Their early rulers, which were then known as "Merovingian Kings" for the ruler Merowig, held power until the early years of AD 700's.
  • Period: 450 to Dec 21, 1500

    Rise of Medieval Europe

  • Dec 21, 650

    Irish Missionaries Win Converts in Western Europe

    Irish Missionaries Win Converts in Western Europe
    Manasteries in Ireand sent missionaries throughout the area of Northern Atlantic and Western Europe. The missionaries won many converts even though the Irish were isolated from the pope. Most of the people of Western Europe eventually became Catholics.
  • Dec 21, 750

    Charles Martel Grants Warriors Landed Estates With Peasants

    Charles Martel Grants Warriors Landed Estates With Peasants
    To support the calvary, Martel started to grant warriors feifs(estates) with peasants. The Frankish king later enlarged this stystem by giving the feifs to local officials and counts.
  • Dec 21, 752

    Pepin the Short Becomes King of The Franks

    Pepin the Short Becomes King of The Franks
    With the backing of church officials and nobles, Pepin the Short, who was the son of Charles Martel, became the king of the Franks. The king annointed Pepin by putting holy oil on him, making him a divenely chosen ruler in the eyes of the people. In return for the church's blessing, Pepin was greatly expected to help the Pope defend against his enemies.
  • Dec 28, 1000

    The Seljuk Turks Take Jerusalem

    The Seljuk Turks Take Jerusalem
    In the late 1000's the Seljuk Turks, which was a Muslim group of people from central Asia, took over Jerusalem. This conquest left Palestine in chaos, and the hazards of pilgrimage increased.
  • Dec 21, 1073

    The Beginning of Pope Gregory VII

    The Beginning of Pope Gregory VII
    The cardinals elected a monks names Hildebrand as a Pope Gregory VII. He criticized the practice of lay investiture to bishops that rulers appointed and he believed that the pope should have complete jurisdiction over every church official.
  • Dec 28, 1122

    Concordat Of Worms

    Concordat Of Worms
    Gregory pardoned Henry, but the struggle between the holy Roman emperor and the pope resumed later. Finally though, in AD 1122, church officals and representatives of the Holy Roman emperor reached a compromise at the German City of Worms. This sgreement bevame known as the Concordat of Worms. It allowed the emperor to name bishops and grant them lands and gave the pope the right to reject unworthy candidate. (Picture is a section on the Concordat of Worms)
  • Dec 21, 1210

    Francis of Assisi Founded the Franciscan Friars

    Francis of Assisi Founded the Franciscan Friars
    Saint Francis of Assisi, who was the son of a wealrthy Italian cloth merchant, founded the Franciscan friars. He and his follower's goal was to follow the simple life of Jesus and his discliples. They all became known for their cheerful trust in God and their respect for nature.
  • Dec 28, 1305

    Election Of Pope Clement V

    Election Of Pope Clement V
    A french bishop was elected Pope Clement V. Several years later he decided to move his court from Rome to Avignon(a small city in Southern France) to escape the civil wars that were disrupting the Italy region. He, and his succesors, remained there until 1377.
  • Dec 28, 1436

    Representatives of the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor Reached a Compromise

    Representatives of the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor Reached a Compromise
    Representatives of the Pope and the Holy Roman emperor had reached a compromise with the Hussite leaders. They gave Hussite certain reliegious liberties in return for their allegiance to the Church. (Picture is Jan Hus, a famous Hussite leader involved in the compromise)
  • Dec 28, 1469

    Ferdinand and Isabella Marry

    Ferdinand and Isabella Marry
    In 1469, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile were married. Their two kingdoms, despite the connections, maintianed seperate governements and royal power was limited by social intrests.
  • Poland Accepts Roman Catholicism and Closed Europe Ties

    Poland Accepts Roman Catholicism and Closed Europe Ties
    Formed by the Western Slavs in this time, Poland accepted Roman Catholicism and also closed ties they had with Western Europe.
  • Clovis Becomes a King

    Clovis Becomes a King
    In the early year of AD 481 a brutal, wily warrior named Clovis was annointed as the King of the Franks. About fifteen years later, Clovis became the first Germanic Ruler to accept Catholicism. His military victories and his religous conversion gave his throne much stability.
  • Alfred the Great United Kingdoms and Defeated the Danes

    Alfred the Great United Kingdoms and Defeated the Danes
    King Alfred of Wessex, better known as Alfred the Great, united the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon and defeated the Danes in AD 886. His united kingdom later became known as "Angleland", or England.
  • Benedict Introduces Rule For Manastires

    Benedict Introduces Rule For Manastires
    A Roman official names Benedict founded a manastery at Monte Carlo in Italy. It became a model for monks in other communities. He soon wrote a list of rules that provided manual work, prayer, and meditation. The monks were not aloud to own goods, could never marry, & were demanded to obey laws.