Feb 3, 1525
- I was the greatest composer of liturgical music of all time.
- The greatest master of Roman Catholic church music.
- Palestrina was the name of a small town near Rome where he was born.
Jul 11, 1544
First gig.
- Serves as organist and teacher
- At Santo Agapito
- In the city of Palestrina.
Jun 12, 1547
- Married a local girl, Lucrezia Gori.
- They were married for thirty-three years.
- They had three sons.
Sep 5, 1554
1.His first published work is a book of Masses from 1554, followed
by two more in 1567 and 1570.
2.Published it before he was 30, and dedicated it to Julius III.
3. Other publications include books of motets, madrigals, lamentations, and hymns. -
Oct 28, 1555
Sistine Chapel
- Admitted to the Cappella Sistina, the choir that is designated as the model for Roman Catholic liturgical music.
- He is later dismissed by Pope Paul IV, because he is married.
- He continues to compose for the papal chapel.
May 21, 1562
The savior of church music
- Polyphony is banned by the Council of Trent.
- But is saved by Palestrina’s famous Pope Marcellus Mass.
- It proves that it is possible to write polyphony without obscuring the text.
Nov 4, 1571
Back to the start
- Palestrina returns to the Cappella Giulia, where he remains until his death.
- Despite several other job offers.
- Palestrina also composes church music for various other patrons and institutions.
Nov 23, 1581
Marries again
- Marries a wealthy widow,
- Her name is Virginia Dormoli.
- Becomes financially independent.
Death of wife
- First wife Lucrezia Gori dies.
- Also dies od plague.
- He considers taking holy orders after her death.
Death day
- Dies one day before his birthday.
- Dies in Rome.
- Died of pleurisy.