French revolution

3.4 French Revolution Timeline

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • Bastille Attack

    Bastille Attack
    After the convocation of the estate generals, and the third estate's segregation, the third estate proposed to form the National Assembly and demanded a constitution and an end to absolute monarchy. The other two estates joined them and the King threatened by this stationed troops to his defense.The French people stormed the Bastille prisons to also arm themselves against the King's rumored attack against the people
    Importance: start of revolution.
    Source: French Revolution/Khan Academy
  • Declaration of The Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of The Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    The National Assembly which was formed by the third estate declared an equivalent of their declaration of independence, which is the "Declaration of The Rights of Man and of the Citizen." This was a statement of how France would be governed, not an official constitution, but a list of ideologies on how the government needed to be governed.
  • The March of Peasant Women to Versailles

    The March of Peasant Women to Versailles
    Marie Antoinette was holding grain at Versailles. She was inconsiderate that there was poverty and it was hard for the French citizens to acquire bread. This resulted in Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette moving back to Paris.
    Importance: Provocation of the revolution and end of monarchy.
  • French Emigration by "The émigrés"

    French Emigration by "The émigrés"
    Several members of the nobles and clergy were not in support of the ongoing revolution, therefore, they sought to leave France. These émigrés were not comfortable with the low standards of life that were proposed by equality demands from the National Assembly.
  • Attempted Flee to Varennes by King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette

    Attempted Flee to Varennes by King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette
    Inspired by the émigrés' emigration from France, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette sought to leave France. However, since they could not trust foreign regions to host them, they decided to go to the Frontier areas, assisted by one of their generals. They disguised their dressed as servants but were captured at Varennes and returned back to Paris.
    Importance: Peak of the revolution
  • The Champ De Mars Massacre

    The Champ De Mars Massacre
    The massacre took place at the Champ De Mars against a republican protester crowd that opposed the King's rule; therefore, they gathered to get signatures against monarchy. They were attacked by General Lafayette who fired at the crowd killing at least 50 people.
  • Declaration of Pinnitz

    Declaration of Pinnitz
    Austria and Prussia were not in support of the revolution the France. These two countries even offered their military's troops to France's monarch in order that they regain back their power. Therefore, Leopold and Fredrick William issued a declaration that, they perceived the situation in France as a vital issue to European's sovereigns. This was an important moment since the king whom the people were refusing was almost being forcefully restored.
    (French Revolution Khan Academy, 2010)
  • Constitution of 1791

    Constitution of 1791
    A constitutional monarchy is established. The King in this system is a figure head and cannot create or abolish laws. Absolute power was given to the national assembly.
    This event was important since it was a historical milestone for France since the monarchy is now powerless to oppress the people.
    (The French Revolution/ Khan Academy, 2010)
  • Declaration of War Against Austria

    Declaration of War Against Austria
    The French people were still poor and hungry. Therefore, Louis XVI in his attempt to secure his place declared war against Netherlands, Austria to plunder their wealth. Prussia, however, supported Austria and France lost.
    This event is important since it shows Louis XVI's attempt to return to power through solving France's problems. (French Revolution/Khan Academy, 2010)
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    Louis XVI was executed for conspiring with foreign powers. His conspiration with Austria and foreign powers was discovered and his execution was voted by a majority. Therefore, the French National Convention sentenced him to death by guillotine.
    This event is resourceful since it shows the final fate of the terrible ruler of France.
    (French Revolution/Khan Academy, 2010)