3.4 French Revolution Timeline

  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    Sieyès suggested that the Third Estate delegates name themselves the National Assembly and pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people. Later, the Third Estate delegates found themselves locked out of their meeting room, they broke the door into the tennis court, pledging to stay until they had drawn up a new constitution.
    This is an important event because this is the first point that led to the subsequent revolution.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    A mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison. The mob overwhelmed the guard and seized control of the building. The angry attackers hacked the prison commander and several guards to death, and then paraded around the streets with the dead men’s heads on pikes.
    This is important because it will cause dissatisfaction among government officials, which in turn will lead to more trouble.
  • National Assembly and Legislative Assembly

    National Assembly and Legislative Assembly
    The National Assembly completed the new constitution, which Louis reluctantly approved. The constitution created a limited constitutional monarchy. This means they took away the King's power. They also creat the Legislative Assembly. This body had the power to create laws and to approve or reject declarations of war.
    This is very important because I finally saw a little effect of the revolution, and the power the king got is finally not so strong.
  • France at War

    France at War
    About 20,000 men and women invaded the Tuileries, the palace where the royal family was staying. The mob massacred the royal guards and imprisoned Louis, Marie Antoinette, and their children.
    This event is important because it made a lot of casualties.
  • National Convention took office

    National Convention took office
    It quickly abolished the monarchy and declared France a republic. Adult male citizens were granted the right to vote and hold office. Despite the important part they had already played in the Revolution, women were not given the vote.
    This is important because men got the right to vote.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    The Committee of Public Safety’s chief task was to protect the Revolution from its enemies. Under Robespierre’s leadership, the committee often had these “enemies” tried in the morning and guillotined in the afternoon. Robespierre justified his use of terror by suggesting that it enabled French citizens to remain true to the ideals of the Revolution.
    This event is very important because he gives the prisoner the opportunity to explain.
  • Continental System

    Continental System
    Napoleon set up a blockade —a forcible closing of ports—to prevent all trade and communication between Great Britain and other European nations. It was supposed to make continental Europe more self-sufficient. Napoleon also intended it to destroy Great Britain's commercial and industrial economy.
    This is important because this means their country needs to be strong enough to be self-sufficient.
  • Holy Alliance and Concert of Europe

    Holy Alliance and Concert of Europe
    An agreement that Czar Alexander I, Emperor Francis I of Austria, and King Frederick William III of Prussia signed. In it, they pledged to base their relations with other nations on Christian principles in order to combat the forces of revolution. Finally, a series of alliances devised by Metternich, ensured that nations would help one another if any revolutions broke out.