
  • Ulysses Grant corruption

    Grant persuaded congress to set up the first Civil Service Commission
  • Failed commission

    Congress failed to appropriate money for the new commission.
  • Tragedy strikes to restart reforms

    President James Garfield ignored Charles Guiteau’s request for a job in the diplomatic service. Guiteau was mad and shot Garfield. When Garfield died his successor pushed for reforms.
  • Pendleton Act

    Congress passed the Pendleton Act, creating the present federal civil service system. The Pendleton act diminished the power of political parties and the president by putting most of responsibility for running the day-to-day functions of executing and enforcing laws in the hands of people without close political ties to the government.
  • Hatch Act

    The Hatch Act prevents federal workers from participating in election campaigns.
  • Recording performance

    Starting in 2000 each agency began publishing reports on their performance.
  • Period: to


    Membership in federal employee unions grew significantly between 2000 and 2012
  • Economic crisis

    Americans faced a economic crisis, many demanded the government bail out large employers like automakers and financial institutions that could cause worldwide damage if they go bankrupt.
  • Whistles blowers

    Federal employees who report corruption or wrongdoing by the government are known as whistleblowers, because they call attention to misconduct. In 2012 congress passed and Obama signed into law the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act.