• Period: to

    French facing economic crisis

    Since unequal rights exist in French for a while, people from the third estate are already mad about it. Part of the problem that causes this economic crisis was Madame Deficit's spending, also a bad leader that did not cut her expand, which foreshadowed revolution is going to happen. Source: eBook chapter 23, 1-2
  • meeting of the Estates-General

    meeting of the Estates-General
    Soon, since the problem that Louis XVI create become more serious, the second estates realize they have to force the leader to call on a meeting and discuss how to solve this problem. The upper class started to deal with this problem. Source: eBook chapter 23, 1-2
  • National Assembly exist

    National Assembly exist
    Since most of the rights were held by the privileged estate and second estate, the national assembly were been created by the third estate, and most of its members are the bourgeoisie and have a mind with Enlightenment. As a night passed, most of the third estate people agree with Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès, that the national assembly exists, which also means the French ended the absolute monarchy and started with a representative government. Source: eBook ch23, 1-3
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    With rumors spreading, some people believed that Louis wants to dismiss the national assembly, and people's emotion becomes unstable. After a few weeks after creating the national assembly, the French people armed and storm the Bastille, there are about a hundred people died. And this event has also been represented as the beginning of the revolution. Source: eBook ch23, 1-3
  • August Decrees

    August Decrees
    On this day, the noblemen hold a speech. In the speech, they state the love of liberty and equality they have. Also, the fear has motivated them to stop all the privileges for the upper classes with National Assembly, to achieve equal rights. In the other words, the third estates get the rights that they asked for, which also represents the end of the old regime. Source:eBook ch23, 2-1
  • The October march on Versailles

    The October march on Versailles
    In October 1789, Parisian women were the reason for the bread price increase, many people are starving, and they started the riot too. They ask the National Assembly for providing food at first, then they demand King Louis and Queen Marie return to Paris and live in the Tuileries. Soon, they left, which also means that the French fully end royal absolutism on this day. Source: eBook ch23, 1-4
  • New constitution complete

    New constitution complete
    About a month later, the national assembly complete the new constitution, which created a limited constitutional monarchy. In other words, this separates the king's power. Therefore, the Legislative Assembly has been created, they are allowed to create laws and make decisions on declarations of war. Source: eBook ch23, 2-2
  • Louis fail to escape

    Louis fail to escape
    While others are discussing more rights for them and claim that “men are born and remain free and equal in rights”, including liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression. And the huge debt that the king left. Louis has been warned that he and his family will be in danger. Therefore, many royal families, including Louis left France for Netherland. However, he has been caught and returned to Paris and sealing his fate. Source:eBook ch23, 2-1
  • the beginning of war in French

    the beginning of war in French
    Since Austria and Prussia urged the French to restore Louis's power and threatened that if any royal families get hurt, they will destroy Paris. Undoubtedly, this angered the revolutionaries. About 20,000 French enter the Tuileries, they killed royal guards and imprisoned Louis and his family. Source: eBook ch23, 2-3
  • New Assembly

    New Assembly
    Soon, the rumors among supporters of the king that in Paris prisons are planning to seize control of the city. Again, this rumor created anger and fear in the citizens, so they raided the prisons and killed about thousand of prisoners, including nobles, priests, and royalist sympathizers. As the pressure raising, the Legislative Assembly announce that the king will be deposed and the assembly will be dissolved for a new one with the election. Source: eBook ch23, 2-3