
  • 1789 BCE

    July 11,1789

    July 11,1789
    Louis dismisses Neckar, a popular minister. When Louis fired Necker, any chance of a deal was lost. It is important because it is proof of the king's desire to maintain an absolute monarchy.
  • Period: to

    January 24,1789

    Louis XVI summons the Estate General. Louis XVI was compelled to call the Estates General because France's political and economic condition had become fairly dire. The clergy, nobles, and commoners made up the parliament. I think it is important because it is to add taxation. https://en.chateauversailles.fr/discover/history/key-dates/summoning-estates-general-1789#:~:text=The%20political%20and%20financial%20situation,undertake%20reforms%20in%20the%20country.
  • May 5, 1789

    May 5, 1789
    Estates General covenes. Against the King's desires, the Third Estate established the National Assembly and encouraged other two estates to participate. It is important because its offering suggestions for resolving France's financial issues. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estates_General_of_1789
  • June 20 ,1789

    June 20 ,1789
    The "Tennis Court Oath" significant show of defiance by members of France's Third Estate, or less highly privileged classes, at the Estates-General meeting (traditional assembly) just at the start of the French Revolution
  • July 14,1789

    July 14,1789
    Storming of the Bastile - It's inside this early months of a French Revolution, a crucial time. It is significant since it served as a symbolic for the start of the French Revolution. To demonstrate that royal soldiers had lost real power, they will storm the Bastille.
  • August 4,1789

    August 4,1789
    The French National Assembly's abolition of the feudal system is significant because it leads to the establishment of a free market in land. It is essential to the formation of a contemporary understanding of property as well as to the development of a modern understanding of commercial property rights. https://www.britannica.com/place/France/The-abolition-of-feudalism#:~:text=The%20abolition%20of%20feudalism%20was,of%20ordinary%20rents%20and%20leases.
  • August 26, 1789

    August 26, 1789
    Declaration of the Rights of Man. It's significant because it establishes an uniform set of personal and communal rights with all men. These rights are believed to just be universal and enforceable in all locations and times, and are influenced by the notion of natural rights. Men are born equal and free in rights, for instance. https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/rightsof.asp
  • October 5 - 6 ,1756

    October 5 - 6 ,1756
    The Wives ' March ; Louis "kidnapped" back to Paris. There was a legend that during these times of hunger, both king and queen possessed a supply of wheat. There was a legend that during these times of hunger, both king and queen possessed a supply of wheat. https://time.graphics/event/3079191
  • May 19, 1790

    May 19, 1790
    National Assembly abolishes the nobility. It declares the permanent abolition of hereditary nobility. https://revolution.chnm.org/d/367
  • July 12, 1790

    July 12, 1790
    Civil Constitution of the French Clergy - It declares the permanent abolition of hereditary nobility. It is important because it aimed to bring French Catholicism back into line with the needs of the state and subordinate it to domestic law.