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3.3 Module III Portfolio Assignment: Mapping Out Implementation

By MizSam
  • Taking the Leading Edge Certification Course

    Taking the Leading Edge Certification Course
    I was enrolled in the Leading Edge Certification Course as a part of the PASC Cohort 3.
  • Flipped Teaching

    Flipped Teaching
    I learned about Flipped Teaching and it really got me thinking about how to improve my own instruction.
  • Period: to

    Create a series of videos

    In order to start using my idea for flipped teaching I need to start by creating a series of videos. I had already discussed this idea with my administrator at the beginning of last year, and we were in the process of working out how to make it work. I'd like to collaborate with support professionals from different departments and make videos about topics that I train on frequently, get lots of questions about or new ideas.
  • Period: to

    Making Videos Accessible

    Previously in my district videos on how to create google docs and different online applications were emailed out. I need to collaborate with that team to determine how they did it and if it was effective. Then I need to create a space, most likely in the google drive, where the videos can be accessible at all times.
  • Making Badges

    Making Badges
    As a second leg of this journey (which may or may not be too ambitious) I'd like to work on creating online badges for achievements in my trainings. Such as: watched my first video, collaborated with a colleague, shared my idea, created my own video. My hope is to inspire others to use this methodology to benefit themselves, their co-workers and their students.
  • Period: to

    Create How Tos

    Once I've created a series of videos for trainings (which I will likely continue doing each year) I'd like to focus on making a series of videos on how to make your own videos. This way I can inspire others to do what I'm doing and implement it in their classrooms!
  • Period: to


    I'd like to take some time to support others in using Flipped Teaching (whilst still working on making new videos/trainings myself).
  • Assess

    After following my timeline as listed here (with the knowledge that times may vary depending on the climate, other trainings, etc.) I'd like to assess the effectiveness, learn how I can be more effective and if there is anything new I can add.