3.2.5 Routine Screenings

  • Date of Birth

  • Skin Cancer Screening/Check

    This screening can be performed by guardian or self. Examine moles on body for any abnormalities, such as size, uniformity, colour, every six months. If abnormalities are found, it is recommended to see a dermatologist for further examination.
  • BRCA 1 Test

    A blood test is used to test for this gene, which is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and melanoma. It is not recommended for anyone under the age of eighteen.
  • Pap Smear

    A tiny amount of tissue is removed from the cervix to test for cervical cancer or HPV. It is recommended this test be performed triennially from the age of twenty-one.
  • Mammogram

    An X-ray of the breasts that is used to check for breast cancer. It is recommended to biennially from the age of fourty.
  • Colonoscopy

    During this test, a camera is inserted into the colon to allow for the doctor to have a view of the entire colon, in order to check for colon cancer or other issues. It is recommended every decade from the age of fourty-five.
  • Lung Screening

    A low dose of radiation is used to create images of the lungs to test for lung cancer. This test is recommended to be done annually between the age of fifty and eighty.