3.1 and 3.2 Timeline

  • French and Indian War or the Seven Years War

    Wars between the French & Indians against the British over land and resources and other political views in Europe. This led to increased debts to Europe
  • Increased Taxes

    After the Seven Years War, Britain's debt doubled, which led to increased taxes on the colonists. They passed the Sugar, Quartering and Stamp Acts which included housing British troops and paying taxes on all printed products.
  • Colonial Protest

    After, Parliament added these new taxes, they protested Parliament's right to tax them directly, which Britain did not agree with and felt it was their responsibility to pay. This led to many boycotts and the Patriots and Daughters of Liberty forming.
  • Parliament Repealed the Stamp Act but Added More Taxes

    Since Parliament still needed to pay for their debts, they passed the Townshend Acts. The colonists refused new taxes from Parliament leading to violent riots such as the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party
  • Boston Tea Party angered Britain

    After the Boston Tea Party, Britain passed the Coercive acts which closed the Boston Port and increased the power of the Governor and sent troops to enforce these new laws
  • The Intolerable Acts

    These new acts such as the Quebec Act angered many of the colonists, so they called them the intolerable acts. This led to violence to whoever supported Parliament and courts shutting down.
  • Delegates meet to form a New Congress

    A delegate from every colony but Georgia met in Philadelphia to announce a boycott on all British imports. This led to the forming of committees to enforce this boycott. They also developed a new government that trumped the power of the Governor.
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere rode to Lexington from Charleston. In his way he warned colonists that the British were coming to seize their weapons.
  • Battle at Lexington and Concord

    Once the British have gotten to Lexington they met colonists and the minutemen. There was a shot fired which cause a battle between the two. In the end almost 250 British soldiers died and only about 90 colonists. After the battle, British troops fled to Boston.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Commonly known as Bunker Hill, this battle was actually mostly on Breed's Hill. The Colonists lost to the British although the colonists were successful in killing a lot of British Troops. Even though the British won, the colonists saw it as a win, which gave the colonists unity and courage.
  • Treaty of Paris

    This agreement mostly ended the war between America and Britain. This said that America was independent from Britain. America was given the land until the Mississippi River but Britain did keep some territories in Canada.