Week 14
Baby's sex becomes apparent -
Period: to
2nd Trimester
Week 15
Baby's skeleton develops bones -
Week 16
The baby's motions can begin to become coordinated. -
Week 17
Fat begins to be stored under the skin for warmth and energy -
Week 18
The baby can begin to hear -
Week 19
Vernix caseosa covers the fetus to protect it from abbrasions. For girls, the uterus and vagina might begin to form. -
Week 20
This is the halfway point. You may begin to feel your baby's movement -
Week 21
Baby can swallow, and is becoming more active -
Week 22
Baby's hair becomes visible -
Week 23
Fingerprints and footprints form, skin becomes more pink or red, taste buds will soon develop -
Week 24
Baby is regularly sleeping and waking, Real hair is formed on his or her head. -
Week 25
Baby responds to your voice -
Week 26
Baby's fingernails develop