Week 14
The baby is the size of a closed fist and moving around. The mother cannot feel the movements. Hair is growing all over the babys body. Roof of the mouth is developing and intestines. For the woman, the breasts are less tender and they are experiencing higher energy. It may be physically obvious you are pregnant now. -
Week 15
The baby is the size of a navel orange and the woman looks pregnant. The ears and eyes are moving to their permanant places. A woman may experince red or swolen gums during week 15 -
Week 16
The babys facial muscles. back muscles, and spine are strengthening. The baby is the size of an avocado. The eyes work. They baby can begin to hear. They belly now looks pregnant and not fat. A woman may become congested. -
Week 17
The baby is the size of a palm, and is beginning to develop bodyfat. The heartbeat is controlled by the brain. The babys fingerprint is becoming individual and it is becoming noise sensitive. The woman may have a vaginal discharge and an increased sensitivity to allergens. She will have an increased appetitie. -
Week 18
The baby is the size of a chicken breast. The nervous system begins to mature rapidly and the senses are becoming more accute. The woman may feel back pain and notice a posture shift. -
Week 19
The baby is about the size of a mango and the limbs are in correct proportion. The brain is connecting to the muscles and the cartlidge is becoming bone. Women will notice leg cramps at night. -
Week 20
The baby is the size of a small cantelope. The woman can begin to feel movement. The sex of the baby can be determined around now. The reproductive organs are forming. The womans body hair will grow faster and thicker, and nails will be stronger. -
Week 21
The baby is about the length of a banana. The baby can taste and still has room to move. It spends 12-14 hours a day sleeping. The woman will start to see stretch marks on the stomach, butt, thighs, hips, and breasts. -
Week 22
The baby is the size of a small doll. Eyelashes and eyebrows are formed. The babys sense of touch is developing and it can grab at the amniotic fluid or umbillical cord. It can hear sounds in the body and see light and dark. Womens feet begin to swell -
Week 23
The baby is the size of a papaya. Its skin looks saggy because it is preparing to grow and fit its frame. You can hear the babys heartbeat. A womans mind will become fuzzy and the palms will become red. -
Week 24
The baby is the size of an ear of corn. The baby is growing organs, muscle, and body fat. The face is almost done forming. It begins to hear voices. The woman's belly button will pop now or later and she may develop carpal tunnels. -
Week 25
The baby is about 9 inches long. The lungs are beginning to work and the skin has turned pink. The nostrils are beginning to open. The woman may experience hemorrhoids or constipation. -
Week 26
The baby is over 9 inches long. The eyes will open once the retina has finished developing. The brain activity has picked up and the baby can respond to sounds or light. The woman may experience insomnia, leg cramps, and heartburn. The stomach appears large and the bellybutton is an outie