Modern World Timeline

By arleech
  • The First Gulf War

    The First Gulf War
    During the war Kuwait was liberated. At the end, Iraq agreed to a cease-fire agreement and the war ended. (
  • World Trade Center Bombing

    World Trade Center Bombing
    Ramzi Yousef was arrested and put to trial after the bombing. 50,000 people had escaped the buildings after bombing and others didn't survive (
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    2 people planted the attack and was apart of the "Military Patriot Movement". A rental truck was filled with explosives and detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building at 9:02 am (
  • United States Involvement in Serbia

    United States Involvement in Serbia
    At first the US refused, but then later on agreed to be involved. During the war, the Serbs used a thing called "Ethnic cleansing". (
  • The Attack on the USS Cole

    The Attack on the USS Cole
    The attack killed 17 sailors and 39 others were injured. The USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers. (
  • 9/11

    2 of the hijacked planes were flown into the twin towers. The terrorists were in the program before the attack happened and acted like they were apart of the program. (
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    Invasion of Afghanistan
    The commander of the Northern Alliance was assassinated by the al-Qaeda operatives. the US began bombing the operation. (
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    The US planted bombs in Iraq. George W. Bush forced Saddam Hussein to either leave or be forced to. (
  • Terrorist Attack in Boston

    Two bombs exploded during a marathon and killed 3 and injured hundreds of people. The suspects were found after 4 days.
  • ISIS attack in France

    ISIS attack in France
    There was a concert in France when the attack happened. The bomber and passer-by were killed during the attack.