2nd Amendment

  • Ratification of the second amendment

    Ratified by the U.S. Congress.
  • NRA(National Rifle Association)

    The goal was to improve American civilians' marksmanship in preparation for war.
  • National Firearms Act

    The nation's first gun control law that taxes the sale and manufacture of fully automatic weapons.
  • Federal Firearms Act

    Placed limitations on ordinary firearms.
  • Gun Control Act

    To prevent guns to end up in the wrong hands illegally because of age, criminal background, and incompetence.
  • Crime Control Act

    "Gun-Free School Zones" are established.
  • Violent Crime Control & Law Enforcement Act

  • Joe Biden signs a gun control law.

    The most significant gun control law in the last 3 decades after 19 children and 3 adults were killed in an elementary school shooting.