2g investment improves productivity

By AlbertR
  • Television

    People worked together to create TV. Its was electrical communication. television is a world wide thing and people have made millions of dollars producing and preticipating in televison. It's how we get our news and how we see things around the world.
  • Cars

    cars were not that reliable in it's beginning stages. Cars advanced by the year. A company finds a way to make it better then last year. the advancement of cars helps people with transportation. They built GPS for people know how to get some where. They also raised OIl companies.
  • Computers

    Computers wre created by the United states and United kingdom. Computers have developed of the years. Now jobs use computers for work. Everything is done by a computer.
  • Cell Phones

    Cell Phones
    the first phone needed operator assistance to make a call. Now cell phones have internet service.People can use cell phones for business managing their schedule. They can use their phones for research. Calculations. They have an app for everything.
  • internet

    the internet started during the Cold War used as a weapon for the US. now people use the internet for everything. It's for school communication and entertainment.