
Dinosaurs Timeline

By lsadeb
  • 245

    Triassic period: 245 million years ago

    Triassic period: 245 million years ago
    The first dinosaurs such as Coelophosis and Euskelosaurus, and mammals, turtles, crocodiles and frogs appeared.
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    period: (360 million years ago)

    period: (360 million years ago)
    The first reptiles appeared. Great swamp forests covered the land.
  • 505

    Ordovician period: (505 million years ago)

    Ordovician period: (505 million years ago)
    The first nautiloids appeared. Corals and trilobites were common.
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    Cambrian period: (570 million years ago)

    Cambrian period: (570 million years ago)
    The first fishes, corals, trilobites and shellfish appeared.
  • Silurian period: (438 million years ago)

    Silurian period: (438 million years ago)
    The first land plants and giant sea scorpions called Eurypterids appeared.
  • Devonian period: (408 million years ago)

    Devonian period: (408 million years ago)
    The first amphibians, insects and spiders appeared
  • Permian period: (286 million years ago

    Permian period: (286 million years ago
    The first sailback reptiles such as Dimetrodon (right) appeared.