Sabrina Rumrill

  • First Two Years

    First Two Years
    I entered the world at 11:14 am
    Weight : 7Lbs. 3ozs.
    Eye Color: Blue
    Length: 19.5 Inches
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • First Two Years

    1 months old: Rolled over to belly
  • First Two Years

    One Month: I would smile alot
  • First Two years

    2 months old: Starting to laugh
  • First Two Years

    3 months old: Rolling from belly to back
  • First Two Years

    Four Months Old: I would cry if someone was holding me and i would see my mom
  • First Two Years

    5 months old: Starting holding own bottle
  • First Two Years

    6 months old: Loved to play peek-a-boo with mom
  • First Two Years

    I would babble Da Da Da
  • First Two Years

    10 months old: Amy tells me say no sabrina and i shake my head no
  • First Two Years

    11 months: taking steps.
  • First Two Years

    1 years old: I liked to imitate my sister if she was dancing to a cartoon i would get up and bounce up and down and dance with her.
  • First Two Years

    First Two Years
    One and half years old: I sang "A, B, C ,D" also i had a book that my mom read to me every night and it was a birthday book. When we go to the page with the birthday cake i would sing happy birtday and blow on the page
  • First Two Years

    Year and half: I was terrified of any one buy my mom and dad if i lost sight of them i would strat crying.
  • Play Years

    Three years old: I loved to play catch with my older sister
  • The School Years

    I was very shy in school however i lived in a neighborhood full of children so i have a close group of friends
  • The Play Years

    I loved to play with my babies and pretend to be there mom
  • The School Years

    I was in to all the verious children aged trends such as crazy bones, pokemon, collecting stickets, and yu-gi-oh cards.
  • Play Years

    Age 4: I would only drink out of my apple cup if my mom put my jucie in anything put it i woiuld refuse to drink it
  • The play Years

    I would not get out of the car for my first day of school i even told my mom she could take my favorite back pack back to the store
  • Play Years

    Age 5: I would not leave the house unless i had my light up princess shoes
  • The School Years

    10 Years old: I loved Math class but did not like science
  • The Play Years

    Six years old: I was about 4 feet tall
  • The Play Years

    If my older sister had somthing and i wanted it i would through a fit.
  • The School Years

    I had a very hard time in reading and spelling in school i was not dyslexic however, i just needed more help then some of the other children.
  • The School Years

    I was very slender becuase i was very active
  • The school Years

    I was enrolled in my first cheerleading team
  • The School Years

    I was able to play the violin, recorder, xilaphone, and the learing the flute.
  • Adolesence

    Me and my older sister grew to hate each other
  • Adolesence

    I was very emothional my family refered to me as the "Drama Queen"
  • Adolesence

    I got my first real boy friend
  • Adolesence

    I made the High school Cheerleading team
  • Adolesence

    I was very consious of how other people thought i dressed and how i looked, i had very curly hair and i started stightnening it and i wore glasses and though i looked like a nerd so i got contacts instead.
  • Emerging Adulthood

    I made varsity cheerleading captain and was voted on to student council
  • Emerging Adulthood

    I enrolled in school craft college
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Emerging Adulthood
    I met my Fiance
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Weight: 120lbs.
    Height 5'4"
  • Emerging Adulthood

    Emerging Adulthood
    I got engaged in New York Ciry
  • Death and Dying

    Death and Dying
    I predict i will dye on Jan. 7th because both my grandfathers have died on this day as well and my great grandfather, and my great grandmother, my uncle and my neighbor.