
Life Line

  • Birth

    Born 9lbs 10oz in Pontiac, Michigan
  • The First Year

    The First Year
    Rapid growth of body, brain, and social skills. Begin to walk at 13 months.
  • The Play Years

    The Play Years
    Learn to tie shoes at 5 years old. Set on ridgid schedule. Obessed with eating the same food, i.e., ketchup and eggs
  • Kindergarten

    First day of my education quest that will prove to be almost 25 years long.
  • The School Years

    The School Years
    Ages 7-11. Become aware that my curly hair makes me look different from most of my caucasian peers. Other childeren beging to make fun of me.
  • The School Years

    The School Years
    Ages 7- 11. I met my best friend Bryan in third grade, I feel blessed to have a life long friendships
  • Adolescence

    Ages 12-18. Get first period at age 13.
  • Teen Angst

    Teen Angst
    Hating life as an 9th grader. Constantly being made fun of because of my apperance. Fist time I chemically straighten my curly hair. Trying desperatly to fit in.
  • My First Sister is Born

    My very first sibiling Grace is born.
  • Emerging into Adulthood

    Ages 19-25. Graduate from highschool in 2002. Graduate from college in 2007. Converted to Judaism in 2007. Go back to school for nursing in 2009.
  • First True Love

    First True Love
    Met my first love in my Linguistics class.
  • First Heartache

    First Heartache
    First time experience with the pain and heartache of a breakup.
  • Graduation

    College Graduation from Eastern Michigan University
  • Graduate from Nursing School

    Graduate from Nursing School
    Graduate from University of Detroit Nursing with a bachelors in nursing. Work at a Detroit hospital for 2 years before going back to school to be a CRNA.
  • Late Adulthood

    Ages 26-65. Graduate from nursing school, get married, have childeren,have a mid-life crisis, grandchildren, loss of parents.
  • Married to the Love of My Life

    Married to the Love of My Life
    Married to the love of my life, who ever he is. Beautiful spring wedding with a reception people will talk about for years.
  • Birth of First Child

    Birth of First Child
    Healthy baby girl named Hannah
  • Move to Chicago

    Move to Chicago
    Finally follow dream to move to Chicago. Work as a CRNA. Become a yoga instructor in my spare time.
  • CRNA

    Graduate from CRNA program. Finally making six figures
  • Join Doctors Without Borders

    Join Doctors Without Borders
    Join Doctors Without Borders, provide medical relief to those in impoverished nations.
  • Mid-Life Crisis, possibly

    Mid-Life Crisis, possibly
    Have an identity crisis at age 50, start to question what I have done with my life. Go back to Doctors Without Borders to try to help more people. Cut and dye my hair. Purchase a Lotus. Maybe even take on a lover that is in his 20's
  • Death of Parents

    Parents pass peacefully from old age. They lived a long, happy life.
  • Birth of First Grandchildren

    Birth of my first grandchildren. Twins girls, Eva and Nora.
  • Late Adulthood

    Late Adulthood
    Age 65- death. Finally retire after a long, fulfilling career as a CRNA. Have a more than adequate retirement fund. Take some art classes I have always wanted to take. Travel. Possibility of disease, dementia, dulling of senses and physical ageing.
  • Fittness Declines

    Fittness Declines
    I start to notice age taking its toll. My eye sight is not nearly as good as it use to be, I have a hard time hearding and my reaction time slows down. I am worried they won't let me drive anymore.
  • Senior Living

    Senior Living
    Enter an assisted living home, don't want to be a burden to my family. Love playing shuffle board and watching The Price is Right.
  • Death

    Death by Heliskiing in the Alps. Die a good death.