America in the 1920's

  • Gas powered tractor

    Made farming alot easier
  • Espionage Act

    Act created by A. Mitchel Palmer and John Edgar Hoover shortly after entering World War I. This Act was made to help prevent the 'Reds' from starting a revolution in America.
  • Women begin to take mens jobs

    After entering world war I, women began working in factories to take the place of the soldiers.
  • Assembly line was introduced for automobile

    The start of the assembly line for the automobile which drastically lowered the amount of money needed to produce the Model T. This made this vehicle more and more affordable for America's middle class.
  • The Seattle shipyard strike of 1919

    60,000 shipyard workers struck. Despite the absent of violence, many assumed the workers were Communists who were trying to start a revolution in the United States.
  • The begining of the Palmer Raids

    Federal agents raided a New York community center that Russian immigrants often went to. They rounded up many teachers and children.They also vandilized many classrooms, all in an attempt to prevent the spread of national randicalism and communism.
  • The begining of the Phroibtion

    When the phrohibtion of Alcohol.
  • The invention of the hairdryer

    Although overheated easily, the hairdryer was a major help for women. Before the invention of the hairdryer, women often used the attachment on a vaccum cleaner to dry their hair
  • Band Aid

    Invented by Johnson and Johnson, the bandaid helped make treating simple scratches cheaper and easier. People no longer had to use complicated bandages for small cuts, but could now use a simple band-aid.
  • Women's Suffarage

    Women finally get the right to vote after the passing of the 19th amendment.
  • Invention of the automobile

    The automobile was finally made affordable and made popular to most people of the United States.It was invented by Henry Ford, who also introduced the assembly line.
  • Bessie Smiths first record is produced.

    Bessie Smith, one of the first female jazz vocalistss, was an African American women who helped strengthen the Jazz era in the 1920's. This sparked many other artists to start their careers in Jazz.
  • Chineese Exclusion Act

    This act prevented all Chinesse immigrants from entering the United States.
  • National Origins Act

    A law that restricted immigration, especially from southern and eastern Europe.This resulted in severe discrimination and stayed in effect until the late 1960's.
  • KKK population spikes to an altime hight

    After servral years of gaining memberships, the Klu Klux Klan reached its top number of 3 million, or over 10% of America's eligible population. This was reached at a rally in Washington, which attracted more than 1000 members.
  • KKK rallies in Washington

    This was a rally of more than 5000 people in Yakima, Washington. This was one of the rallies to help gain more members. These rallies also set the foundation of what would be known as the Jim Crow Laws
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    This Act futher discriminated against Asians. It prevented total immigration from this continent until its repeal in the late 1940's.
  • Scopes Trial

    This trial was a contoversy over wheter or not evolution should be taught in schools. Evolutionist believed it should, but Non-evolutionists, such as Christians were strongly against it.
  • African Americans moving north

    Begining of thousands of African american begining to move north into areas like Cincinatti and New Jersey. They moved to find jobs in factorys and to hope for better treatment. This led to the migration of over 500,000 African Americans by the end of the 1920's.
  • Frozen Food

    Invented by Clarence Birdseye invented frozen foods and started Birdseye. He introduced a way to freeze dried meet and vegtables in wax carboard boxes. This allowed food to be stored longer.
  • Two wheeled tractor

    The two wheeled tractor was invented to help farmers harvest crops faster
  • The end of the Phrohibition

    the end of the prohibition