United States History During the 1900's

  • The Schwinn Bicycle

    The Schwinn Bicycle
    It was a modern conveniece that was a cheap mode of transportation that was faster than walking.
  • The Vacuum Cleaner

    The Vacuum Cleaner
    The was a new method of cleaning that was easier than and more effective than sweeping.
  • The Air Conditioniner

    The Air Conditioniner
    Air conditioning was a big modern convenience. It kept the house cold during the hot summer months.
  • The Washing Machine

    The Washing Machine
    The washing machine was a mechanism in labor becuase it made the job of washing clothes easier.
  • The Assembly Line

    The Assembly Line
    Henry Ford introduced the assmbley line. New parts were added to the product at each step of the way making assembly of the product faster and cheaper becuase it took less time to manufacture.
  • The Tractor

    The Tractor
    This was when the fist four wheel tractor was designed. It made the farmers job of plowing, planting, and harvesting crops easier.
  • The Introduction of the Automobile To America

    The Introduction of the Automobile To America
    Henry Ford built the Model T in mass production making it affordable to the average American. This introduced the automobile across the nation.
  • KKK Cross Burning

    KKK Cross Burning
    This sybolized a rallying point and a way to scare their targets.
  • The Immigration Act of 1917

    The Immigration Act of 1917
    This Act banned immigrants under the age of 16 who were illiterate.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    This was a time period in American history when many African Americans int eh South traveled to the North in search of a better life. It also was a time of great expression of African American and whites blending of arts.
  • Major Strike in the Seattle Shipyard

    Major Strike in the Seattle Shipyard
    25,500 shipyard workers went on strike in Seattle. As the strike continued many rumors went around that the Bolsheviks were trying to start a revolution in Seatte after having success in Russia.
  • Attempted bombing of Senator Thomas W. Hardwick

    Attempted bombing of Senator Thomas W. Hardwick
    A bomb was sent to his house that morning and it blew off the hands of the servant who opened it and majorly burned the Senator's wife. It was sent by and anarchist during the Red Scare.
  • The Nineteenth Amendement was added to the Constitution

    The Nineteenth Amendement was added to the Constitution
    This Amendment gave women suffrage. It gave them a greater role in society and the government changing their role to a more equal one with the men.
  • Police Strike

    Police Strike
    In Boston ove 1,100 police officers went on strike becuase there were leaders suspected during the Red Scare.
  • Palmer Raids Begin

    Palmer Raids Begin
    The Palmer Raids involved a series of arrests and deportations after strikes, riots, and anarchist bombings occured after World War I.
  • Working Women

    Working Women
    Women were allowed to work and recieve pay for the work they did.
  • The Start of Prohibition

    The Start of Prohibition
    This was the start of prohibition. It was when the Eighteenth Amendment was passed making the consumtion of alcohol illegal.
  • Negro Baseball

    Negro Baseball
    The baseball league was integrated. This showed that they were being thought of more equally and was a gain in their role.
  • The Palmer Raids End

    Judge George Anderson ended the Palmer Raids.
  • The Emergency Quota Act

    The Emergency Quota Act
    This Act lowered the limited the number of immigrants that could enter the country each year.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    This was an act that was created to help the United States control immigration from other specific contries.
  • KKK Attack

    KKK Attack
    Madge Stephens was taken by KKK leader D.C. Stephenson and tortured.
  • The End of Prohibition

    The End of Prohibition
    The Twenty-first Amendment was added canceling the Eightteenth Amendment.