Mount everest


By mufasa
  • Landed at kathmandu, India

    Landed at kathmandu, India
    To go up mount Everest you first you have to land in kathmandu Nepal. Kathmandu is the lagest metropoltin city in Nepal. In is also the Capital of Nepal. The common language of Kathmandu is Nepali. The population of Kathmandu is 1,081,845.
  • recived base camp info

    “Early on a difficult climb, especially a solo climb, you’re hyper-aware of the abyss pulling at your back, constantly feeling its call, its immense hunger. To resist takes tremendous conscious effort, you don’t dare let your guard down for an instant. The void puts you on edge, makes your movements tentative and clumsy. But as the climb continues, you grow accustomed to the exposure, you get used to rubbing shoulders with doom, you come to believe in the reliability of your hands and feet and h
  • reports of severe weather, trip delay

  • working out final details of the trip

  • Trip started

    Trip started
  • Reached 9,200ft

  • reach 16,000ft, kumbu glacier 12miles

  • 16,200 ft the lobuja

  • arrive at base camp and had a puja

  • reach everest base camp 17,600ft

  • resting after passage through ice fall

    resting after passage through ice fall
    A ice fall on mount everest is one of many great obsticles on mount everest. A ice fall is a frozen water fall. The kubu glacier on mount everest is a ice fall. Ice falls can get up to hundreds of feet high.
  • Spent the night at camp 1

  • decent to lower ice fall

    decent to lower ice fall
  • team acclimatices at camp two

    team acclimatices at camp two
  • Naeang was taken down the mountain because of edema

    Naeang was taken down the mountain because of edema
    On April 23 1996 a girl named Naeang had to be taken off mount Everest because she had edema. Edema is an imbalens of fluid under neath the skin. Edema causes puffyness in the skin. Some edema can cause heart failure, it all depends where you get it. Edema is caused from extreame changes in pressure, such as going up Mount Everest.
  • guide ropes needed to be fixed

    guide ropes needed to be fixed
  • team now stable at camp 3 24,000ft

  • decaent back to base camp 2

  • fischers crew looking strong

    fischers crew looking strong
  • reasting at camp 2

    reasting at camp 2
  • left camp two and started climbing the lhotse Face

    left camp two and started climbing the lhotse Face
  • may 8th left camp 2 21, 300 feet

  • ascending to the 4th camp.

    ascending to the 4th camp.
  • reached camp 3

  • I hadent slept for 57 hours

  • 6 people did not come back from the top of the mountain

    6 people did not come back from the top of the mountain
  • 1:17 pm we reached the top of mount everest

    At 1:17 pm Jon Krakauer made it to the top of Mount Everest. The top of Everest is 29,029 feet from sea leval. Mount Everest is the largest mountain in the whole world.
  • reached sommit 29,028ft

  • rob hall and scott ficsher stranded on everest

  • Fischer buiried above south col as team regroups

    Scott Fescher was a American climber and guide. Fischer spent his whole life living in michgan and New jersy. He took 2 years worth of climbing courses . In 1984 he formed his own adventure company, the name of the Company was Mountain Madness.