In South Africa
Failed to register or leave Transvaal. Two months, simple imprisonment. -
In South Africa
Unable to show registration in Natal. Imprisonment with hard labor. -
In South Africa
At Transvaal, unable to produce registration certificate. Three months imprisonment. -
In South Africa
Arrested in Palm Ford after the Great March. Released on bail. -
In South Africa
Again arrested and released on bail. -
In South Africa
Sentenced nine months in prison, then another three months added to that. Unexpectantly released in December. -
In India
Given notice, but not arrested. -
In India
Arrested at Palwal and brought to Bombay. Released the next day. -
In India
Wrote three articles in Young India and sentenced to six years in prison. Got out after two. -
In India
Arrested and imprisoned for violating Salt Law in the Salt Satyagraha. -
In India
Arrested in Bombay. When he started a fast, he was released due to the British fear of his death. -
In India
Arrested and sentenced to one year in prison. Was released due to Malaria. -
In India
Arrested for resisting WWII. Was released with the Quit India proposal, and later turned down the Quit India proposal.