21st Dynasty (Theban)

  • Period: 671 BCE to 665 BCE


    Herihor founded a dynasty of priest-kings who technically did not claim to be pharaohs until Menkheperre Piankhi. He began ruling in Ramesses XI's absence after his exile. Herihor ruled parts of Egypt from 671 to 665 B.C.
  • Period: 665 BCE to 662 BCE


    Piankh, the second pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, and grandfather of Menkheperre Piankhi, ruled from 665 to 662 B.C.
  • Period: 662 BCE to 638 BCE

    Pinudjem I

    Aakheperkare Pinudjem I, the third pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, ruled from 662 to 638 B.C.
  • Period: 646 BCE to 639 BCE


    Masaharta, firstborn son of Pinudjem I, and fourth pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, ruled from 646 to 639 B.C.
  • Period: 638 BCE to 584 BCE

    Menkheperre Piankhi

    Menkheperre Piankhi, the fifth pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, was the first of the Theban kings to claim divinity and to be a pharaoh. Many of the achievements currently credited to Thutmose III of the 18th Dynasty should actually be credited to him. Piankhi ruled from 638 to 584 B.C.
  • Period: 584 BCE to 572 BCE

    Pinudjem II

    Pinudjem II, the sixth pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, ruled from 584 to 572 B.C.
  • Period: 572 BCE to 565 BCE

    Psusennes III

    Psusennes III, the seventh and terminal pharaoh of the 21st Theban Dynasty, ruled from 572 to 565 B.C.