Us gov1

U.S. Government

  • John Locke

    John Locke
    1. No king rules absolutly 2.Natural Rights = government jobs
    2. State of Nature 4.Social compact Individual rights a good site for this is
  • Montisque

    1. separate powers/ balanced powers
    2. republic Government rebublicanism, Seperation of powers, and Checks and balances a good site for this is
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    The articles of confederation was the first form of the american government. In the aofc. there was powers to the congress. The AofC made peace, money, and laws.
  • Problems with the Articles

    Problems with the Articles
    Although the articles had some good things there was some problems with it.Some of the problems delt with the Articles where, no national executive, court system, could not collect taxes, could not raise an army, and could not regulate trade.
  • Philadelphia Convention

    The Philadelphia Convention was also known as the constitutional convention. The convention was held in the state house in Philadelphia.For four months, 55 delegates from the several states met to frame a Constitution for a federal republic that would last into "remote futurity.
  • constitutianal government

    constitutianal government
    1.Limited power
    2.autocratic government =unlimited power
    3. Government citizens
    limited government
    a good site for this is
  • Ratifacation Process

    During the process of ratifacation citizens decide whether they wanted a goverment/constitution.
  • Washingtons presidency.

    Washingtons presidency.
    During Whashingtons presidency many people were fighting over spots in Whashingtons cabinet. To solve this proplem Whashington had to select people to fill his cabinet. He chose Jefferson as secratary of state. Knox as state of war. Hamilton as secratary of treasury and Randolph as attorny general.
  • Forgien issues

    1.Securing the NW territory
    2.British came out of territory
    3. Native Americans lost
  • American Constitution

    American Constitution
    On June 7, 1776, a resolution was introduced in the Second Continental Congress declaring the union with Great Britain to be dissolved, proposing the formation of foreign alliances, and suggesting the drafting of a plan of confederation to be submitted to the respective states. Independence was declared on July 4, 1776; the preparation of a plan of confederation was postponed.
  • Domestic issues

    1. National debt
    2. Securing NW territoires
    3. Fighting over spots in washingtons cabinet
  • First politacal parties 1796-1828

    Politacal paries where when to groups did not connect with eachother so the came to a politacal partie to work it out
  • Arguments over Constitutional Interpretation

    National Bank
    1. Hamilton belived congress could create it.
    2. Jefferson thought that they couldn't.
  • Roman Republic 509 B.C.

    Roman Republic 509 B.C.
    Civic virtue=common good
    cincinatus teaches about a republic from of government
    which is also like Republicanism
    a good site for this is