The Roman Republic and Cincinnatus influenced the Founding Fathers through these ideas:
Civic Virtue.Cincinnatus was a model for Civic Virtue. Civic Virtue means that the leaders and the citizens work for the common good.Cincinnatuas said that if you give up your rights that the government has to protect your rights. This idea is a Social Compact.Republicanism- Is based on the belief:the people excercise their power by voting for their ploitical representatives.Limited government. -
John Locke
John Locke
Nartural Rights- Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
Social Compact- the social contract.
Job of Government-use when you give up some of your rights and the government protects your rights.
State of Nature-imaginary situtation people living in society with out governmnet and laws.
John Locke faught for everybodys Nartural Rights. -
Montisquieu was a french philosopher.
He said that the best republican forms of government had two parts and they are "Powers should be separated" and "powers should be balanced"
Checks and Balances-each branch of government can exercise checks, or controls, over the other branches.
Republicanism-is based on this belief:The people exercise their power by votoing for their political representavtives.
Sepreation of powers-the seperation of basic government roles into branches. -
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation gave most power to congress. Some of those powers were..
-Wage wars
-Make Peace
-Sign Treaties
-Mint Money
The A of C(Articles of Confederation) was the first form of US Government -
Philadelphia Convection
The Philadelphia Convection took place on May 25, 1787- September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennyslvania.
The reason why this happened was to address problems in governing the United States which had been operating under the A of C following independacne from Great Britian. -
The Constitution was made up of Articles and Amendments.
The Constitution split up the branches and made three of them.They are the Legislative Branch, The Executive Branch and The Judical Branch. -
Constitutional Government
A constitutional government is a state where the head of the state and other officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to exsiting constitutional law that limits the governments power over citizens.
Popular Sovereignty- a government in which the people rule.
Individual Rights- personal liberties and privileges. -
Ratification Process
The ratification process started when Congress turned the Constitution over to the state legislatures for consideration through specially elected state conventions of the people. -
Washington's Presidency
Washington was the first president of the United States of America.When Washington was organizing the government he had to Appoint his Cabinet, and Set up the Supreme Court.When he was setting up the Supreme Court he appointed justices and appointed chief justice.For his cabinet he picked people to do the jobs that are needed. -
The First Political Parties
One of the first political parties was about the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.
The second one was the Democratics and the Republicans -
Foreign Issuses
There were some Foreign Issuses which involeded..
-The French and English War, The French Revolution and France and England War.
-Staying Neutral which when this happened Englad seized to the American trade ships to France and Jays Treaty just began. -
Arguments over Constitutional Interpretation