Sand Creek Massacre
The Sand Creek Massacre took place in Colorado on November 29, 1864. It was said to be a victory against the bravely fought Cheyenne. The Sand Creek Massacre was also an important cause of Little Bighorn because so many Cheyenne put their lives at state in a battle for the US. Starting in the 1850's the gold and silver rushes brought thousands of white settlers into the mountains and surrounding foothills. This made the Cheyenne and Araphos angry because they were settling on their land. -
Fetterman Massacre
The Fetterman Massacre took place on December 21, 1866 in Wyoming. The Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho warriors were invlved in this massacre. Crazy Horse, leader of the Sioux, acted as a decoy and lured the troops into a deadly trap. He tricked the fort' s commander into sending a detachment of 80 warriors were waiting in ambush and wiped out the whole detachment. -
Treaty of Fort Laramie
The Treaty of Fort Laramie took place on January 1, 1868 in Wyoming. The conference at Fort Laramie resulted in a treaty amoung the Sioux and whites. It was to settle piece between the two groups. The Sioux, however, agreed to settle within the Black Hills reservation on Dakota territory. -
1874 Discovery
The discovery of 1874 deals with the an 1868 treaty. The government promised that "no white people are allowed to settle on or occupy these hills." But, the hills were said to contain gold. Then, in 1874, General George Custer led an army expedition to check on the rumors and found that there was gold. The Sioux ended up protesting against the tresspassers, but instead of protecting their rights, the government tried to buy the hills. The Sioux won. -
Battle of Little Bighorn
The battle of Little Bighorn took place on June 25, 1876 in Montana. Sitting Bull, the Sioux, and the Cheyenne were all gathered around the Little Bighorn River. They were later joined by Crazy Horse and hia forces. General Custer wanted the glory of leading a major victory so he divided his regiment and attacked the Native Americans. The Native Americans won this battle. -
Ghost Dance
The Ghost Dance is a ritual that the Sioux had to perform. Wokova claimed that the Sioux could regain their former greatness if they perfomed Ghost Dance. This was a way for the Sioux to express their culture because it was being destroyed. -
Wounded Knee
Wounded Knee was a creek that the Lakota Sioux gathered at as a result of fear from Sitting Bull's death. This event took place in southwestern South Dakota on December 29, 1890. The army then went to Wounded Knee to collect the Sioux's weapons. After the first pistol was shot, the army responded with fire and more than 200 Sioux and 25 soliders were killed. Wounded Knee marked the end of armed conflict between Native Americans and whites.