25 Facts

  • 25 Facts

    President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany.
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    SS opens the Dachau concentration camp outside of Munich.
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    Boycott of Jewish-owned shops and businesses in Germany
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    Germany introduces military conscription.
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    Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss (Union)
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    The St. Louis sails from Hamburg, Germany.
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    Germany invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe
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    Germany attacks western Europe (France and the Low Countries).
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    Battle of Britain begins.
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    Germany invades the Soviet Union
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    Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units) shoot nearly 3,000 Jews at the Seventh Fort, one of the 19th-century fortifications surrounding Kovno. Plus more killings
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    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and the United States declares war
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    Germans begin the mass deportation of more than 65,000 Jews from Lodz to the Chelmno killing center
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    Soviet troops counterattack at Stalingrad, trapping the German Sixth Army in the city.
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    Warsaw ghetto uprising begins.
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    Germans begin the mass deportation of about 440,000 Jews from Hungary.
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    D-Day: Allied forces invade Normandy, France
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    Anglo-American forces break out of Normandy.
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    Allied forces land in southern France
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    Death march of nearly 60,000 prisoners from the Auschwitz camp system in southern Poland.
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    US troops cross the Rhine River at Remagen.
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    The Soviets launch their final offensive, encircling Berlin.
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    American forces liberate the Dachau concentration camp.
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    Adolf Hitler commits suicide.
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    Germany surrenders to the western Allies.
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    Germany surrenders to the Soviets.