Bantu Migrations
The Bantus origionated in East Africa and begain to migrate southwest in 100 AD. They spread out across most of Southern Africa, bringing their culture, language, and knowlage of agriculture and iron smelting with them. -
Christianity, up till this point, had been widely persecuted. With Constantine coming to power, came the acceptance of Christianity. In 313, it even became the official religion of Rome and Constantine tried to unite Rome once again under one religion. This autimately failed and critics say might have been the cause of Rome's fall as an empire with it's passive feel. -
Fall of Rome
Around 500, the Roman empire was weakened from the inside and out and ceased to be a major power. On the inside, Rome had just accepted Christianity, passive in nature, as their official religion. On the outside, the dreaded Muhgals had made advancements in Rome'd direction, pushing smaller nomadic tribes into Roman territory. Next, the Mughals confronted Rome face-to-face which was not met with much opposition. So was the end for Rome. -
Mar 21, 600
In this year, the profit Muhamad created the religion of Islam around the area of Palistine where Judaism and Christianity where already established. Islam claim a same or simular "God" to the other two religions. The Islamic religion also became an empire and, thus, was wide spread. This is a major world religion still today. -
Mar 21, 1054
Great Schism
The Great Schism of 1054 was the begining of division within the church. This is when the "Orthodox" church was formed and separated from the Roman Catholic church on account of differing opinions on iconasism, the role of women and marraige in the church, and use or pardons. From then on, Orthodox centered around Constantinople and the Byzantine empire while Catholic remained strong in the western part of the fallen Roman empire. -
Mar 21, 1096
The First Crusade
The Crusades were brought about by the tries of Chrisianity to the Palistine area which was controlled by the Musslims. It was the Roman Catholics that began this movement but got tangled up in conflict with their own Christian brothers in the East (Orthodox). The crusades lasted hundreds of years and aultimately failed to regain the "holy land" from Islamic control. -
Mar 21, 1300
The time from 1300-1600 was the core of the age called the Renaissance and was a resurgence of culture and the arts/sciences that started in Italy with the aristocrats. The Renaissance came at the end of the Middle Ages and the name means "rebirth" as surely it was. People like Leonardo Di Vinchi made this a time of inovations and andancements in art and architecture and the like. -
Mar 21, 1340
Black Death
Also known as The Plague, the Black Death devistated Europe and Asia. This disease started in China and spread through rats and the trade routes controlled, at that time, mostly by the Mongols. The first wave ended around 1350 but continued for many more years, leaving Europe with only about a third of its population. -
Mar 21, 1368
The Ming dynasty in China began in 1368 when the governent finally kicked the Mongols out. This made the Chinese government stronger, more unified, and, thus, a world power once more. -
Aug 3, 1492
Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue
On the day (or, if not, very close) the English explorer Columbus set sail to find new trade routes to India by going westward across the ocean. His voyage was backed by Spain in the "Age of Exploration" but did not find India. Though he knew it not at the time, he had just discovered America, the land of the free and a powerful nation-to-be. -
Mar 21, 1517
Martin Luther
A German Monk, Martin Luther was well aquainted with the Church's policies and dissagreed wit them. He made a list, came to be known as the Ninty Five Theses, that stated the things he felt the Roman church could improve upon or correct for the betterment of the public. Though he was exiled by the Church, many people agreed with him and, thus, a new church body was spawned. -
Mar 21, 1521
It is still the Age of Exploration around this time and, as the Americas were just discovered, Spain was jumping on the oppertunity to claim land. They sent Cortez to conquer the Central American area where the Aztecs were strong in Mexico. Dazzled by the Spanard's appearance, overwhelmed by superior weapons and aid from native tribes, and weakened by disease, the Aztecs soon fell to the forwign invaders. -
Mar 21, 1532
In the year of 1532, Spain sent Pizarro to conqure South America where the Incas were the sominant force. With superior weapons and diseases that the Incans were very unprepared for, the Spanards easily took over the area. -
In the 18th century, the enlightenment movement really took off. Philosophers of the time were stretching the limits and proposing abstract thoughts, sometimes contradictory to the church. This was an age of reason and inovation. -
American Revolution
By 1775, the American colonists were fed up with the Bristish being involved in thier affairs without having say in government (hense the "no taxation without representation"). Nationalists began a movement that would lead to war and the victory of independence of America in 1783. -
French Revolution
This revolution was inspired by the same enlightenment ideas as the American Revolution though with less immediate sucess. The French Revolution lead to corruption and the reign of Napoleon. However, it was a step in the right direction. -
June 24th brought about the assasination of Franz Ferdinand and Astrian declaration of war against Serbia soon followed. Then came more declarations and the arrangements of sides and bam- World War One was under way. It consisted to German, Austria, and modern day Turkey in the Central Powers against most of the western European powers as the Allies and ended in 1918. -
Great Depression
The Great Depression, though we as Americans think it solely an American thing, was happening all over the world following the end of World War 1. Big world powers had contributed great sums of money, supplies, and men to the cause and were now feeling the hurt. Many peple were homeless and/or unemployed at this time in history which lasted about ten years. -
Germany was humiliated by World War One and was asked to not only have reduced boarders and take the blame for starting the war, but also pay war damage in all the effected areas. This killed Germany and angered them to the point of testing limits and invading Poland in 1939 which started World War Two. Germany, Italy, and Japan were the Axis while many western European powers made up the Allied Powers. D-Day weakened Axis powers and the war was ended with Germany's defeat in 1945. -
Green Revolution
The Green Revolution was a green movement from 1940-1970 that was brought about by an increased conciousness of the degading habits of humans on our earth. In this time, harmeful pesticides were done away with and crops were enhanced to get more food per acre which was beneficial to industrialized nations but not as much so for underdeveloped areas that was not ready for the new inovations. -
Stalin in Power
In the year of 1940, Stalin exiled Trotski and took over Russia in a dictatorship.He made Russia communist and instituted the Five Year Plan which lead to strain on the working class. Communism in Russia distributed the wealth but made industrialization a very difficult feat. -
Cold War
The Cold war was between communist Russia (USSR) and the USA and was based on growing tentions between communism and democracy. The time (ending in 1989) lead to such events as the "space race" and the Cuban Missle Crisis. This standoff came to a close with better relationships and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall that had so long ostrasized the democratic Russians. -
India's Independence
This is what Gandhi had preached and hoped for all his life; India's liberation from British colonialism. The Indian's had long been subjugated and used and were fed up. In 1947, they gained independence and came under their first ruler, Nehru, who had been one of Gandhi's biggest supporters. -
My Birthday- Irrelivant yet Important
On this day, God blessed the world with a creature so precious that it could hardle contain it's pleasure at receiving such a gift. The young miss by the name of Carissa Van Cise came to the hands of one Alana and Daniel Van Cise. Henseforth, life on Earth has never been quite the same. The shadows that once crouded the world shrunk back into their hiding places at her birth. However, should she falture in her life time, the shadows and wraths of times past may come quickly in the night to kill. -
Terrorism in America
Around 2001, America had a number of terrorist attacks from inside and foreign forces. However, the biggest shock came when a group of radical Musslims highjacked planes and targeted buildings of influence across the nation. This resulted in damage to the Pentagon and- most famous- the falling of the Twin Towers killing hundreds of innocent citizens on September 11th. This instigated the USA's strike against terrorism. -
The most feared and renowned test known to the sophmores of Oak Hill, the APWH exam was carried out on May 16th from 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. in Miss Comb's room. Twenty one students went in shivering with antisipation of death and left radiating triumph.