1944 Education Act
- "The Butler Act" as it is sometimes known created the tripartite educational system. This was made up of Grammar, technical schools and secondary modern schools. Established:
- The three stages of education we know today: Primary, Secondary and Further Education.
- Free compulsory education to 15.
- Free education to 18 for those who wanted it.
- 11+ Exams
The Crowther Report
- Raise school leaving age to 16
- Introduction of comprehensive schooling for all
-Further educational options for 15 - 18 year olds -
Introduction of Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE)
CSE was announced due to public demand for formal qualifications for your people. -
Newsome report
- Statistical data showing variation in reading test scored for pupils aged 13 -16
- Secondary modern schools were seriously deficient
- Grammar schools had proportionally more funding -
The Plowden report
- Every child is an individual and develops at their own rate
-put the child at the centre of learning -
Leaving age raised
School leaving age is raised to 16 -
Sex Discrimination Act
Equal opportunities for men and women -
Race relations act
Equal opportunities regardless of race -
Warnock report
Introduction of SEN
-parents have the right to appeal against SEN decision -
Education (Special Education) Act
Implements recomendations set out in Warnock report -
National Council for vocational qualification
- Initiatives around vocational education and training -
Introduction of GCSE
New methods of assessing learning were developed including coursework and exams. -
Eduation reform act
- Introduction of the national curriculum
- Core subjects - English, maths and science
- Foundation subjects
- Introduction of SAT's
Grant Maintained Status
Schools were allowed to opt out of LEA control by getting funding direct from government. -
Started Infants school
Gowerton infants school located in Gowerton, Swansea is where my education started. I have very fond memories of the school and younger brother and sister are currently pupils at the school. -
Ofsted Established
The office for standards in education was created to monitor and report on the quality of education received in schools. -
Assessment administered at the age of seven at the end of KS1 -
Introduction of A*
A* introduced to show the difference between a high A and a low A at GCSE. -
Started TreGwyr Junior
After infants school I moved up to junior school. The junior school catered for students aged 8 - 11. -
Stared Gowerton Comprehensive School
Gowerton comprehensive school is an 11 - 18 year old co - educational school with around 1300 pupils currently on its roll.
The school is made up of the merger of the boys grammar and girls grammar schools. -
Advanced Supplementary levels AS Levels
Worth half an A Level and awarded on completion of the first year of the A Level course. -
Year 9 SATS
I sat my year 9 sat test which judged which tier i would be placed into for my GCSE KS4 lessons. -
Sat GCSE exams
Sat my GCSE exams which meant I could get onto my A Level courses that I wanted to do. They were Computing, Geology and Biology. -
Started 6th Form at gowerton
Started 6th Form whichg is located on the same site a the secondary school. I think that having gone to a sixth form where i had already built a relationship with the teachers has been very ben ificial to my education. -
The Children Act: Every Child Matters
Mission: Intergrated childrens support services -
Education Act
- Funding for schools to come direct from central government
- New schools could be part funded by promoters
National Strategy
- Interactive and inclusive teaching
- Small groups and one to one tuition for those that need it
- Innovative use of ICT
Sat A Level exams
Sat A Level exams which decided if I could get onto my chosen degree at my chosen university. This was computer science at the University of Birmingham. -
Started The University Of Birmingham
Started my course (Computer science with software engineering). Struggled at first with the leap from A Level standard work to degree level but adjusted and did well. Birmingham is a British red brick university and was founded in 1900. -
Sat First year exams
Sat second year exams
These exams counted for 25% of the degree -
14 - 19 Diplomas
To bring together vocational and academic education -
Finished dissertaion and finlal year exams
Counted for 75% of my degree and finshed with a 2:1 Hons -
Started PGCE at Wolverhampton university
Stared my PGCE and have found the students and tutors very friendly. -
Increase leaving age
Leaving age for compulsory education will be raised to 18.