100 1775

Day Zero Project

By opicana
  • The List was created

  • #92 Get my Aerogarden running again

    #92 Get my Aerogarden running again
  • #14 Catch up on all my penpal letters

    Task #14 completed. I promptly fell behind again, but that is a different story.
  • #19 Wii Fit Every Day for a Month

    Goal #19 completed...exercised on the Wii fit every single day for a month.
  • #37 Take a Vitamin Every Day for a Month

  • #47 Visit One State I haven't Been to Yet

    #47 Visit One State I haven't Been to Yet
  • #60 Cleanup Yahoo! Group List

  • #90 Get Book Club Caught up & Make List 4

  • #31 No Soda for a Week

  • #12: Visit a Park with Caves

    #12: Visit a Park with Caves
    Polar Caves Goal #12 Completed! I visited both the Polar Caves and the Lost River- both parks that had caves!
  • #89 NaBloPoMo Completed