Education Act
Made Secondary Education free and compulsory until the age of 15, grammar, secondary modern and technical schools set up. -
School Leaving Age Raised
The school leaving age eventually raised to 15 years old in 1947, delayed from 1939 following the outbreak of the war. -
A Levels
A Levels introduced in 1951 to replace the existing Higher School Certificate (HSC) -
Crowther Report 1959
The Crowther Report 1959 suggested raising the school leaving age to 16, the introduction of Comprehensive Schools and a new exam below that of the GCE Level. -
Higher Education Facilities Act 1963
This Act led to new Universities with the conversion of colleges -
CSE Introduced
The Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE) was a school leaving qualification issued between 1965 and 1987 aimed at the more able pupils. -
The Plowden Report
The Plowden Report of 1967 focussed on the importance of a child orientated progressive approach to education, requesting that councils consider all aspects of Primary Education and the transition between Primary and Secondary Education. -
School Leaving Age
In 1971 it was decided that from September 1972 the school leaving age was to be raised from 15 to 16 -
Conservatives - Margaret Thatcher
Conservatives under the rule of PM Margaret Thatcher set about trying to improve education through a controlling of the curriculum and set out legislation which meant that the Local Educational Authorities (LEA) had to publish their curriculum policies. -
Swann Report 1985
The Swann Report from 1985 was a Government Report that called for education for all and supported the idea of a multicultural education system for all schools -
Introduction of the NVQ
First introduced in 1986 the NVQ has allowed millions of people to achieve formal qualifications in many professions and skilled trades. -
GCSE Introduced
Introduction of the General Certificate of Education (GCSE) replacing the existing O Level and CSE exams. -
Simon James Johnson Born in Walsall Manor Hospital 8th December 1986 -
AS Level
AS Levels introduced in 1987 were worth half a full A Level, introduced with the intention of broadening knowledge in other areas. -
Corporal Punishment Banned (State)
Corporal punishment was banned in State Schools in 1986 however remained legal and continued to be used in Independent Schools. -
Education Reform Act Introduced
The 1988 Education Reform Act regarded as one of the most important pieces of education legislation in the UK Introduced; Grant Maintained Schools (GMS) Local Management of Schools (LMS) the National Curriculum, Key Stages, League Tables showing results publicly, an element of choice as to parents could decide on their prefered schools, -
Started Primary School
Joined Bentley Drive JMI School going into the 3-5 Unit -
Corporal Punishment Banned (Independant)
Corporal Punishment Banned in all Independant Schools in England and Wales (1989) -
Office For Standards in Education (OFSTED) was set up in 1992 by the british government with the task of improving standards in education and childcare in England. -
Sex Education
The 1993 Education Act made sex education compulsory in secondary schools in the UK. -
General National Vocational Qualifications (GNVQ's) offered as a work based alternative for non academic students, can be studied alongside GCSE's / A Levels and are controversially equivalent to 4 GCSE's surrounding league tables. -
Labour Government
New Labour Government elected with Tony Blair to follow on from the Conservatives Thatcher and Major. Made promises surrounding University tuition fees which were broken in 2006. -
Primary SAT Exams
Sat my Year 6 SAT exams in English, Maths and Science -
Finished Primary School
Finished my Primary Education at Bentley Drive JMI School -
School Standards and Framework Act 1998
An Act bought in in 1998 aimed to limit class sizes, extend the powers of the LEA and abolish maintained schools run by local authorities. -
Started Secondary School
Started my higher secondary education at Willenhall Comprehensive School -
Vocational GCSE
Introduced Vocational GCSE's (VGCSE's) into schools however as of September 2004 "Vocational" has been dropped and are now classed as your standard GCSE's -
SAT Exam's
In year 9 i sat my English, Maths and Science SAT Exams -
New Status
Willenhall Comprehensive School becomes a specialist school and gains sports status becoming Willenhall School Sports College -
Forced in Year 11 to sit a GNVQ in Business Studies -
Every Child Matters Agenda
Launched by the Government in 2003, the Every Child Matters Agenda was created following a report into the death of Victoria Climbie. Sets out the Governments approach to the safe well being of children from birth to 19 years old -
GCSE Results
Got my GCSE exam results. Achieving 1 A*, 2 A's, 8B's and 1 C. Distinction in Business GNVQ -
Completed Year 11
Completed my final compulsory year at Willenhall School Sports College, however decided to stay on into the schools Sixth Form to sit my A Levels -
Started Year 12
Joined Willenhall School Sports College Sixth Form and commenced my AS Level studies. -
Collected my AS Level Results
Collected my AS Level results from Willenhall School Sports College -
Started Year 13
Started my final year and A Level Exams at Willenhall School Sports College Sixth Form -
A Level Results Day
Collected my A Level Results from Willenhall School Sports College. Rather disappointed getting 2 D's and 2 E's. -
Left Willenhall School Sports College
Last day at Willenhall School Sports College -
Started University
Started my degree in the Fundamentals Of Virtual Reality at the University of Wolverhampton -
Completed First Year University
Completed my first year of University successfully passing all modules. -
Tuition Fees
As of September 2006 Tuition Fees Raised to £3000+ per annum. -
Start Second Year University
Commenced my Second Year of University following the summer break. -
Completed Second Year University
Completed my Second year of University successfully passing all modules. -
Start Final Year of University
Commenced my Third Year of University following the summer break. -
Finished University
Had my last lecture and received my results from my final Assignment - completing University -
Graduation Day
Graduated from University of Wolverhampton with a 2:2 Classification in the Fundamentals of Virtual Reality -
Start My PGCE Secondary ICT
Started my teacher training at the University of Wolverhampton Walsall Campus nine month course until June 2010