Beginning of the Indian Wars
The Texas-Indian Wars were a series of conflicts between settlers in Texas and Plains Indians. These conflicts began when the first settlers moved into Spanish Texas, and continued through Texas's time as part of Mexico, as its own nation, Republic of Texas, and did not end until 30 years after Texas joined the United States. This article covers the conflicts from 1820, just before Mexico gained independence from Spain, until 1875, when the last free band of Plains Indians, the Comanches led by -
End of the Indian Wars
By 1860, there were less than 8,000 Indians, and 600,000 Anglo settlers in Texas. The Texans further had access to repeating rifles and revolvers. Many military historians believe the defining moment in the Texas-Indian Wars came with the introduction of the revolver. In any event, pure numbers and better weapons ended any chance the Plains Indians ever had of holding on to their land