
History of Wireframing

By nlupus
  • Waterfall model - no room for successful prototyping.

    Waterfall model - no room for successful prototyping.
    The waterfall model is a sequential software development process, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the several phases. The model has its origins in the manufacturing and construction industries; highly structured physical environments in which after-the-fact changes are prohibitively costly, if not impossible. Since no formal software development methodologies existed at the time, this hardware-oriented model was simply adapted for software dev.
  • Information Architecture - New term for effective complex information concept development.

    Information Architecture - New term for effective complex information concept development.
    Information Architecture was originally a term with a meaning more akin to what is called today Information Design. The term "Information Architecture" was coined around 1975 by Richard Saul Wurmanr.
    The term was later appropriated by Web Design experts and applied to complex web sites, since Information Architecture is an important aspect of Web User experience design. This appropriation has changed the original meaning into what is today considered to be Information Architecture.
  • Visual Programming - programming becomes visual, allowing one to create prototypes on an early stage.

    Visual Programming - programming becomes visual, allowing one to create prototypes on an early stage.
    Visual IDEs allow users to create new applications by moving programming building blocks or code nodes to create flowcharts or structure diagrams which are then compiled or interpreted. These flowcharts often are based on the Unified Modeling Language. Visual Programming (Wikipedia)
  • Paper prototyping - usability testing and concept sharing via paper elements.

    Paper prototyping - usability testing and concept sharing via paper elements.
    Paper prototyping is a widely used method in the user-centered design process, a process that helps developers to create software that meets the user's expectations and needs - in this case, especially for designing and testing user interfaces. It is throwaway prototyping and involves creating rough, even-hand sketched, drawings of an interface to use as prototypes, or models, of a design.
    Paper Prototyping (Wikipedia)
  • Visualizing/Designing Software - Microsoft and Adobe present design and presentation software. 1986-1992

    Visualizing/Designing Software - Microsoft and Adobe present design and presentation software. 1986-1992
    Adobe Illustrator, 1986
    MS PowerPoint, 1987
    Adobe Photoshop, 1990
    MS Visio (originally Shapeware, in 2000 was acquiered by MS). 1992
  • Comprehensive Layout - comps used to represent relative idea to a client as a rough draft.

    Comprehensive Layout - comps used to represent relative idea to a client as a rough draft.
    In graphic design and advertising, a comprehensive layout or comprehensive, usually shortened to comp, is the page layout of a proposed design as initially presented by the designer to a client, showing the relative positions of text and illustrations before the specific content of those elements has been decided on, as a rough draft of the final layout in which to build around.
    Comprehensive Layout
  • Prototyping-centric Software - tools like Omnigraffle, Axure and iRise spring to the market.

    Prototyping-centric Software - tools like Omnigraffle, Axure and iRise spring to the market.
    Omnigraffle, 2000
    Axure, 2003
    iRise, 2003
  • SaaS-based Prototyping - Abundant number of low-fidelity wireframing apps appear. Later focused on collaboration and PM.

    SaaS-based Prototyping - Abundant number of low-fidelity wireframing apps appear. Later focused on collaboration and PM.
    MockupScreens, 2005
    Gliffy (a-la online visio-killer), 2006
    Jumpchart, 2007
    Balsamiq, 2008
    Protoshare, 2008
    Justinmind, 2008
    Pencil Project (free open-source), 2008
    iPlotz, 2009
    HotGloo, 2009