
Apush 2010 Acke 4

  • Virginia Slave Code part 1

    slave regulatoins were a model for other colonies. Children inherited the slavery status of their mothers.
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    Stated that colonies were suppliers of raw materials and markets for English manufactured goods. Other nations couldn't trade in the colonies. In addition, trade must be done on ships made in English or Great Britain colonies.
  • Slave Code part 2

    Slave Code part 2
    Stated that baptisms would not change conditions of servitude. Also killing a slave for punishment is not considered a felony.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    After this and other social conflicts, colonial leaders worried of rebellions amoung former indentured servants in the back country. This made slavery look safer and more appealing.
  • King William's War

    King William's War
    England and France fought for supremacy in North America, lasted untill 1697.
  • Florida Slave Policy

    Spain declared Florida a refuge for slaves who escaped from the colonies.
  • Woll Act

    Woll Act
    English put limitations onwool because they thought it would compete with England.
  • Queen Anne's war

    Queen Anne's war
    England vs. France and Spain. England won in 1713 and Great Britain won the right to supply slaves to Spanish colonies in America.
  • Peace of Utrecht

    Peace of Utrecht
    Great Britain has the right to supply slaves in Spanish colonies in Americas, a very large business.
  • Hat Act

    Hat Act
    England forbid colonies from manufacturing hats because they would compete with England.
  • Molasses Act

    Molasses Act
    English Parliment prohibited sugar products from foreign colonies to North America. The act wasn't enforced so North port cities did well.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    20 newly arrived slaves armed themselves in Stono, South Carolina and marched toward Florida. their numbers grew to 100 and they killed 30 colonists, while celebrating they were destroyed. This uprising halted slave trade in Charleston for 10 years!
  • War of Jenkin's Ear

    War of Jenkin's Ear
    Captain Jenkin's testimony of how spanish sailors tore off his ear led to a war between Great Britain and Spain. In 1743Spain was defeated and the border between Georgia and Florida was established.
  • King George's War

    King George's War
    England fought France in Acadia and Nova Scotia, It ended in 1748 in a stalemate and no borders were changed.
  • Iron Act

    Iron Act
    England banned colonies of producing iron because it would compete with England.