21st Century Timeline

  • 9/11

    The day of September 11th was a day that no one would forget. This day, America's National Security was threatened and was put at stake as terrorist attacks from al-Qaeda shook fear into every American. (Time Magazine)
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Landing on the coast of Louisianna in 2005 with ripping winds reaching 120 mph, this could possibly be the worst storm in United States History. 1,876 dead and many more injured. A storm that once again shook the nation even for those who weren't even there.
  • The Stock Market Crash

    The Stock Market Crash
    The stock market crash of 2008 was a reality check for everyone. People were forced to sell their homes and downgrade as defaults occurred on consolidated mortgage-backed securities. (The Balance)
  • The Death Of Osama Bin Laden

    The Death Of Osama Bin Laden
    Osama Bin Laden's death finally put some reassurance into Americans' hearts and gave them the confidence to fight through the war. The death of a world-threat criminal. (History.com)
  • Same Sex Marriage

    Same Sex Marriage
    In the history of America, there have been several court cases that have changed the future of America, for better or worse. In 2015 Same Sex Marriage was allowed in all 50 states after different states had different laws on same-sex marriage. Establishing a new civil right.