P21 rainbow homepage

21st Century Learning at Sierra Avenue

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    Teachers, students, parents, and community develop a common vision of 21st Century Learning

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    Teachers receive professional development to create 21st Century aligned learning.

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    Teachers working collaboratively with to identify CCSS power/essential standrds.

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    Chromebooks and tablets are purchased to provide students with more opportuntites to collaboratively access, analysze, and synthesize relevant and engaging topics.

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    Teachers are using Web 2.0 tools to collaborate on their teaching practices/unit design. Students use Web 2.0 resources to collaborate in a global environment.

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    Continue looking and applying for funding sources to move school closer to 1:1

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    Blending Learning Environment

    A blending learning environment will be in place in grades 3-5 classrooms where students will be supported in reseaching their own inquiries and working on relevant projects.