
21st century

  • Artificial Heart

    Artificial Heart
    Robert Jarvik had made the first working heart. He called his the Jarvik-7. His heart made it so people could have time to find a donor, this heart could give them a couple years. Through the years it has made advancements, but so far Jarvik's made the biggest impact.
  • Nano-medicine

    Richard Feynman was the inventor of nano-medicine. It was first invented in the 1960's, but it wasn't until the 2000's it started rapidly expanding. Nano means super tiny, and these super tiny particles are targeted for a certain area. With nano-medicine it makes it possible to cause less harm to other parts of the body. With these new advancements, we won't have to damage perfectly good tissue.
  • Stem Cells

    Stem Cells
    James Thomson and Jeffery Jones were the first to invent stem cells. But in 2003, George Daley converted stem cells to germ cells in mice. After doing so he got to study the growth of cancer and the development of sperm cells. With more advancements stem cells can help repair the body.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the Human Genome Project. It wasn't until 2005 when they made a HapMap. Which is basically a catalog of common genetic variations. These inventions can predict things such as an inherited disease based on their genes. Back then, without a HapMap, it would've taken them years to figure out.
  • 23&me

    The founders of 23&me are Anne Wojcicki, Linda Avey, and Paul Cusenza. This is basically a DNA test in your own home. It comes in a little kit. It is used to find out health problems, family, relationship, and ancestry. This kit can show you your genetic variations that you and your partner have. This could show you if you could possibly pass down a inherited condition to your kids. This is a great advancement because now you don't have to go to the doctors to find out what your DNA is like.
  • Augmented Reality In Medicine

    Augmented Reality In Medicine
    Morton Heilig, also know as "the father of virtual reality," was the inventor of augmented reality in medicine. This ins't only used for medicine. Some of the equipment surgeons use are very similar to kids toys. Theirs are more high tech, has better quality, and can also understand harder medical problems. Doctors can use goggles or in the form of a tablet to figure out what they need to know. In the article it said in the future these devices could possibly tell a surgeon how to do a surgery.
  • Bionic Prosthetic's

    Bionic Prosthetic's
    In 2007, David Gow released the first working articulating bionic hand. This kind of prosthetic's are very different from normal ones. These can get signals from other parts of your body and the iLIMB will do what the signal is telling it to. Just recently people can change the color of the robotic limb to the color of their skin. This makes it almost unnoticeable to other people. This is a big advancement from normal prosthetic's, it gives back most of the old limbs functions.
  • Health Tracking Apps

    Health Tracking Apps
    The app Headspace was founded in 2010 by Andy Puddicombe. there are many other apps very similar to this one. Anyways Headspace is a app that you can download on pretty much any device. This app can keep track of your mental, physical, and sexual health. Not only does it keep track of that, but it can also help with your work and study support and with drug/alcohol addiction. These apps can help change the way people live.
  • Vaccinations

    The founder of vaccinations was Edward Jenner in 1796. Getting the vaccinations, or shots, would most likely protect you from deadly diseases. From 1988 to 2014 there was a significant downfall from the amount of people getting polio. This is because of vaccinations.
  • Facial Transplant

    Facial Transplant
    The first transplant involving the face was done by Jean-Michel Dubernard and Bernard Devauchelle. They only needed a nose and a mouth to complete the transplant. after doing this transplant it led them to do a full-face transplant. Most of the time they will need a donor to do this surgery, but sometimes they will take other parts of your body to do the surgery.