My Professional Path

  • First Job!

    First Job!
    I was hired at NWL as a Para-Professional at the Middle School!
  • Computer Lab LTS, Part 1

    Computer Lab LTS, Part 1
    Chris Heery went on sabbatical and I filled in for him for the entire second half of this school year.
  • 8th Grade LA/SS Long Term Sub

    8th Grade LA/SS Long Term Sub
    I filled in for the first half of the school year as an 8th grade LA and SS teacher.
  • Computer Lab LTS, Part 2

    Computer Lab LTS, Part 2
    I filled in again for Chris Heery while he was on sabbatical.
  • Hired Full Time!!!

    Hired Full Time!!!
    I was hired full time at NWLMS for a new position of Math Remediation with one section of 7th Grade Language Arts. This was a very challenging year.
  • Change Positions

    Change Positions
    When Chris Heery left to pursue a job at DeSales University, I switched into his position as Computer Literacy teacher!!!! Yay!
  • Start Coaching Bball

    Start Coaching Bball
    I relunctantly took on the new position of Freshman Girl's Basketball Coach, although I wasn't sure at thie time this is one of my favorite parts of my life now!! Can't imagine my life without it.