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Indiana PTA Timeline of History & Accomplishments

By inpta
  • Milestone 1912

    Founding of the Indiana Branch of the National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teacher Association, June 6-7, Indianapolis . First state conference was held in November.
  • Dues in 1915

    Dues had been 10 cents. Units with more than 30 members paid $3 annually.
  • Milestones in 1919

    Adopted the name of Indiana Parent Teacher Association and become incorporated.
  • 1920-1930

    First bulletin issued. Education week promoted. Maternal and Infancy protection emphasized. Pledged to finance a 10 bed ward at Riley Children's Hospital, Orme Memorial. Worked on child labor laws, urged equal education for rural and city children, shared convention space with ISTA. Summer Round-Up of Children, parent education and trained teachers were emphasized.
  • 1930-1940

    Planted a tree in Riley Hospital park for the Orme Memorial. Indiana PTA supported the passage of the first “Gross Income Tax Act” for public schools. The PTA worked with ISTA to secure laws for the physical and moral welfare of children.
  • 1940-1950

    Purchased equipment for Riley Hospital . Special legislation conference held. College cooperation chairmanship created for cooperation with professional, educational organizations and institutions. Four-point program of health, world understanding, school education and parent and family life education was promoted.
  • 1950-1960

    First parent education training held at Purdue. First man elected state president. Legislation work becomes stronger. Scholarships were given for students to become teachers. High School PTSA's needed to be stronger.
  • 1960-1970

    ICPT received plaque from Governor's Advisory Committee on Recreation. Looked at alcohol education for adults and youth. In 1962 was the Golden Jubilee Year. PTA leaders were appointed to several state committees. State Life pin was designed in the shape of Indiana . Business partnerships developed to assist with local trainings.
  • 1970-1980

    Reading projects introduced at convention. Concerns were VD, alcohol abuse, education for Spanish-speaking children, TV violence, parenting skills, art education, comprehensive school/community health, and students with learning disabilities. First PTA Volunteer in Court project sponsored by Allen County Courts.
  • 1980-1990

    Home Fire Safety programs were started. PTA chaired the “Coalition for Public Education”. Other concerns addressed were environmental, seat belt safety and prevention of sexual child abuse. State PTA leadership training was conducted. Outstanding Principal and Educator awards were established.
  • 1990-2000

    Computer, laser printer and a fax machine, e-mail and the Internet were added to the office. Indiana PTA focused on AIDS education and TV and movie violence. Indiana PTA promoted critical viewing program. Indiana PTA promoted meaningful parent involvement, and equitable funding for public education. Coalitions were formed to collaborate on education issues.
  • Milestones in 1993

    Indiana PTA students recognized with honorable mentions in National PTA Reflections/Arts Project Indiana PTA unit, Hammond High School, honored as National PTA Region IV Advocate Award Winner Indiana PTA principal, Dr. Sharon E. Banks, honored as National PTA Phoebe Apperson Hearst Outstaanding Educator Award winner Indiana PTA delegates passed resolution on Corporal Punishment
  • Milestones in 1994

    Indiana PTA students recognized with honorable mentions in National PTA Reflections/Arts Project Indiana PTA unit, Northrop High School, honored as National PTA Region IV Advocate Award Winner Indiana PTA convention delegates passed resolution on Underage Drinking
  • Milestones in 1995

    Indiana PTA chosen by National PTA as one of seven pilots for Education Pre-service Teacher Training Project Indiana PTA convention delegates passed a resolution to encourage legislation on Mandatory Kindergarten and Computer Pornography Indiana PTA leading parent education on Critical TV Viewing Indiana PTA students recognized with honorable mention in National PTA Reflections/Arts Project Indiana PTA unit, Northrop High School, honored as National PTA Region IV Advocate Award Winner
  • 2000-2010

    Indiana PTA advocates for adequate funding for education. Character Education is a primary focus for the state PTA. Indiana PTA conducts National PTA program, Building Successful Partnerships, statewide.
  • 2003-2004 Accomplishments

    Our safe drinking water resolution became a state legislative resolution.  Our State PTA is represented on the Governor's Education Roundtable and helped insure that the National Standards for Parent/Family Involvement Programs was incorporated into the P-16 Plan. Indiana PTA is well represented at National PTA. Serving on the membership committee is: Barbara Eager and Vicky Sunn
    Serving on the Strategic Planning Committee is: Dee Jones
    Joining the team at National is Traci Davis as an apprent
  • 97th Annual Covention

    97th Annual Covention
    97th Annual Convention in Indianpolis was held.