20th century timline

  • Period: to

    20th century timeline

  • president willaim mcKinley assasinated

  • US steel created

  • Marie Curie.

  • Francis X. Bushman.

  • Theodore Roosevelt.

  • Newlands reclamation act

  • first world series (basball is boring and mostly played in the us so it isnt the whole world

  • harly davidson motor company was created

  • Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty panama canal related

  • panama canal zone acquired

  • albart einstiein publishes his thereoy of relativity

  • san fransico earthquake

  • pure food and drug act as well as federal meat inspection act

  • Coal mine explodes in Monongah, West Virginia

  • Oklahoma becoming the 46th state

  • FBI was created

  • Dollar diplomacy

  • US penny changed to Abraham Lincoln design

  • henry ford

  • J.P. Morgan

  • Babe Ruth

  • Supreme Quart breaks up standard oil

  • the american-philipino war ended

  • Theodore Roosevelt shot but didnt die

  • Arizona and New Mexico are created

  • Revenue act of 1913

    re established income tax in the united states
  • 16th ammendment created

  • 17th amendment

  • WW1 starts

  • First transcontinental phone call.

  • THe united states accure the virgin islands

  • the united states joined ww 1

  • Zimmerman telegram

    Germany asking Mexico to alliance with them incase the us joined the war ps they said no and told the americans
  • spanish flu

  • daylight savings was first adopted

  • 18th amendment was poopy but got created

  • 19th amendment which was good and happend

  • women gain the right to vote

  • NFL was created

  • Al Capone

  • Charlie Chaplin

  • Albert Einstein

  • Lincoln Memorial is deticated

  • yankee stadium was built

  • NBC Was founded

  • Charles Lindbergh's transatlantic flight

  • Francis Townsend.

  • Dust bowl :( 1930-1936

  • USSR colectivizes farming

    1929-1933 but basicly the thirtys
  • United states national anthem changed to star spangled banner

  • Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Great Depression

  • empire state building finished

  • Hoover dam

    the hoover dam created tones of new jobs and I believe was the reason las Vegas even exists
  • new deal begins

  • prohabition repealed

    people can get drunk with non illegal booze
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt elected

  • Hindenburg explosion

    the Hindenburg exploded new jersey because they used a cheaper thing than helium that is super flamible
  • WW2 starts (technically 40s)

  • holocaust

  • Mao Zedong

  • Stalin (steel in russian) i think

  • Frank Sinatra

  • Lend-Lease Act

  • U.S. Interns Japanese-Americans Order 9066

  • Atomic bombs were dropped on japan

  • Nuremberg Trials

    after ww2 when all the Nazi leaders (who they could find) were prosecuted in Nuremburg Germany
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

  • Korean war 1950-1953

    technically has never ended
  • Elvis Presley

  • Martin Luther King Jr.

  • highway act

  • sputnik launched

  • JFK

  • Lyndon Johnson

  • rosa parks

  • Bay of Pigs

  • cuban missle crisis

  • veitnam war (the us was operating there scince 1955 but they started escalating things in 1964

  • 1964 cival rights act

  • First man on the moon

  • Richard Nixon

  • Bob Marley

  • Gerald Ford

  • watergate scandel

  • energy crisis

  • twin towers finished

  • Madonna

  • Michael Jackson

  • Ronald Reagan

  • AIDS Crisis

  • Falklands War.

  • Chernobyl

  • Challenger Explodes

  • fall of the berlin wall

  • Tupac Shakur

  • George Bush

  • persian gulf war

  • Bosnian Genocide

  • Waco Siege

  • Bill Clinton

  • Oklahoma City bombing

  • Columbine Shooting