20th Century Timeline

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    World War I

    The war between Germany and Europe all for land.
  • America enters WWI

    America enters WWI
    When America declared war on Germany. The first time.
  • Race riots in Omaha

    Race riots in Omaha
    When there was a riot and they Linched will brown also two people died.
  • Cool aid invented

    Cool aid invented
    the famous American drink.
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    The Great Depression

    When the stock market crashed causing people to lose lots of money and left many homeless and in need.
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    The Dust Bowl

    When bad farming and a drought caused dust storms and poverty as families were forced from there homes. it was called the dirty thirty.
  • The first session of the Unicameral

    The first session of the Unicameral
    It ran 98 and passed 214 bills.
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    World War II

    When Germany did the same thing again.
  • America enters WW2

    America enters WW2
    When America declared war on Germany for the second time.
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    SAC is at Offutt Air Force Base

    When SAC the American air defense came to a airfield and set up headquarters here in Nebraska.
  • UNL Students protest the Vietnam War

    UNL Students protest the Vietnam War
    When Students at UNL protest the Vietnam war this was was heavily protested.
  • The end cold war.

    The end cold war.
    A war that lasted from March 12 1947 and ended in December 26 1991it was called the cold war because no shots were fired.