20th Century History

  • Period: to


  • Russian Revolution

  • Period: to


  • USA enters WW2

    When Japan bombed the USA naval base of Pearl Harbour - USA entered the war
  • Germany invades Soviet Union

  • Hitler invades Soviet Union

  • Tehran Conference

  • Period: to

    Expansion of Soviet influence in Eastern Europe

  • Britain and USA invade Europe

    As early as 1942, Stalin wanted USA and Britain to invade western Europe.
    FDR promised a 2nd front, but it was repeatedly postponed until 1944.
    Stalin retaliated - recalling his ambassadors from London and Washington
  • Yalta Conference

  • Churchill lost election

  • Period: to

    Potsdam Conference

    Division of Germany into 4
  • VE Day

  • Hiroshima - atom bomb

  • Nagasaki - atom bomb

  • Long Telegram

  • Novikov Telegram

  • Period: to

    War of Words

  • Churchill - Iron Curtain Speech

  • Bizonia created

  • Truman Speech - Truman Doctrine

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Cominform created

  • Marshall Plan agreed

  • Trizonia formed

  • Deutschmark introduced

  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

  • Period: to


  • NATO Formed

  • China becomes Communist

  • Comecon formed

  • FRG Created

  • FRG Bundestag elected

  • USSR test atom bomb

  • Adenauer elected as FRG Chancellor

  • GDR Formed

  • USSR & China signs Friendship Treaty

  • UN troops enter Korea

  • Period: to

    "Thaw" - slight improved relations between USA & USSR

  • Stalin dies & Krushchev becomes new USSR leader

  • Warsaw Pact signed

    Response to NATO
    Defensive military alliance of of Eastern European states.
    Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany and Poland were all members.
    Main decision maker - USSR
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • Hungarian Uprising

  • USSR launches Sputnik I

  • USSR launches Sputnik II with Laika on board

  • NASA created

  • USSR launches Vostock Rocket with Yuri Gagarin on board